    Can I Give Up My Parental Rights For My Kids And Would Not Have To Pay Child Support For My Kids?

    I am going thru a divorce that I do not agree with. If she leaves she will be taking the kids away from me. Sense this is the case she will want child support but, she will be with another man. I will not want to give child support and she is with another person. Is this a good option or do you know a better one?

    +3  Views: 1039 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    16 Answers

    You're trying to get out of paying support for your children because you are jealous your ex wife is with another man. Do you realize just how many men try this ploy in court? You are not going to fool any judge with your agenda to get even with your ex wife at the expense of your children's needs. You are responsible for 1/2 of their support.  Giving up parental rights does not always stop you from having to pay support. You are still their parent and you helped bring them into this world. Do not use your children as pawns in your agenda to get even with your ex wife.


    Thankyou for imparting this so succinctly Colleen.Children are innocent in these situations!

    you are so right. thumbs up to you

    Is this divorce the kid's fault?????? Child support is to support the children.


    I will never understand why someone will give a question such as this, with the attitude he has, a TU.

    Yes there is a better option Bigg a responsible parent, no matter what is going on between you and your wife (or ex-wife).  You are the father of those children FOREVER....act like it!

    Why in Gods name would you NOT want to provide support for you children??



    hes afraid old boy going to get some of that money. he needs to worry about them kids first.

    I think you are too pissed off right now to make any decision. Please wait awhile.  My mom and dad were divorced when I was 14! I hardly ever saw my dad after that! My dad died at 81 , I had not seen him for 30 years!   I miss him still and I am 66 years  old. Think awhile on this!

    So, you are willing to NEVER see your kids again.  NEVER celebrate another Birthday with them.  NEVER watch them succeed in a sport, build an awesome science project, paint an awesome picture. ASK for YOUR LOVE, ADVICE, HELP in any way.   JUST DISAPPEAR FROM THEIR LIVES...because you are getting a divorce and your now wife is moving in with another guy???? And so you shouldn't have to help them eat, be clothed, have a roof over their head, heat in the winter, school supplies, help pay for school trips, outings, etc???????  You know what, you need to chill out and think about this.  You are a Dad.  Your kids love you!!!!  They are going to want you in their lives (even as teens-when they say they don't "need" you).  You will live to regret this decision. And your  kids will be messed up without you around.  I guarantee it.  It's not just you Bud.  It stopped being just you when the kids were born. 


    I weep for anyone ,especially the innocent,who would be used as wager in anothers' vendetta of revenge...I want this man to take these words of yours to heart and ear and mind!You are the Doctor after all!Peace friend!

    Please don't make your children pay for what their mom is doing.These children need your support and you can always arrange to place it in trust for them or get 50-50 split custody and pay no support.However,in the case that one of you has a substantially higher income,there may be an allowance made to the one with the lower socio-economic status.Don't forget that these children will grow up and as they do so they truly need and deserve to love their dad...fight for your rights and please try hard to control and separate your emotions toward your ex from how you feel about your babies and check out this link for more support>>>

    You can legally give up any rights to your kids and not have to pay child support but recognize just what you are giving up...................

    as long as your paying support you should have visiting rights. i wouldnt worry about old boy over there. long as the kids are well taken care of. long as you continue to be in their lives you can help make sure they are treated right. dont give up. your kids need you now more than ever. they need to know that you love them, unconditionally and are there for them.  her boy friends will come and go, but you will be a stability in their lives. be there for them. they love you. unconditionally.

    By not paying child support for your children, puts you in the catagory of a "Dead beat Dad".Man up and pay for your children.Just remember, they would not be here if it wern't for you.

    If you were my ex, and didn't want to pay for your children, you would never ever see them again. I'd move far, far away with the new bloke. Not only that, I'd never tell them about you there supposed father. You'd die in a nursing-home not ever knowing about your children.


    eggplant, I think your answer is very sad. if he was your ex etc,telling children about there supposed father, is ok, but he never see them again.That is sad.Children need a Dad, they dont think about not paying for them. They just may want contact with him.Ever thought about, what children want.?

    I accept what you say, however if a man doesn't want the responsibility of his children, he doesn't deserve to know them.

    A friend of mine came from India with her doctor husband. He worked in a hospital and after six months he told his wife he was leaving her for a nurse. The couple had two small children and he never paid a cent for either of them. My friend sent the children back to India while she studied in university for three years. Afte she graduated, she brought them back to Australia to live with her.
    When she had asked the husband for support he said she was not going to live like Indira Gandhi. He told her to go back to India. She said she came with him and she would only go back with him.

    The kids hated him and changed their names (when they were older) to their mother's maiden name.
    That man never once asked to see his children. And when they were at Indian functions, he never once spoke to them.

    Those children did very well in school, one became a specialst doctor and the other a banker, all with the support of their teacher mum.

    Yeah. There is a better option.  YOU keep your children and support them in your home.  Let her take her personal stuff and hit the road.  Get a lawyer and fight for your kids.   Fight for 100% custody with her having visiting rights.  Settle for 50-50. 
    If you aren't in a dumbass state like Californication, you can probably win.

    Maybe this is the only way you think you can punish your ex wife, don't alienate your children, they are not the ones to punish, put your hand in your pocket and be a responsible dad

    go to a lawyer, it is not you kids fault.

    Nothing in life in is ever that easy and if it were then more than likely kids would not even need financial support from anyone. People were not kidding you when they told you before you got married that 50% marriages don’t work out. In some ways that kind of says that we need about ½ the population that we have here on this planet; so put it away and find a life that one can lead that will bring happiness and be rewarding on its own measure.

    Man up asshole.Support your kids!


    If you can prove your wife is being supported by another man you have a good case for not paying "SPOUSAL" support but NOT child support.

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