    Man killed by Taser, A Convenience store was being robbed and police used their latest taser from the States and it killed him, now the govt, may ban them , would you.

    The Taser is capable of releasing 50,000 volts, my view is if the guy was not robbing the store he would still be alive, i think it is a good deterrent.

    +9  Views: 796 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    See my answer. PDF

    18 Answers

    Still better chance than being shot and no one else is in danger. Don't break the law and you won't get shot with a Taser or a Gun.....

    Keep the taser, some of the druggies have super human strength!  The police need the guns! My only fear is that the "bad" guys will have them soon !

    bulletman Im with you on this.

    Bad people get what they deserve not saying he should have been killed , but if thats the line of work you choose then best expect the worst..

    Man who died after being tasered by police may have been innocent

    from                                                                                        Carleen Frost   March 19, 2012 12:00am

    "A MAN who died after being tasered by police was pursued because he was suspected of stealing a packet of biscuits from a Sydney convenience store. Police said he fitted the description of a man reported earlier for taking a packet of biscuits from the City Convenience store on King St." 

    Innocent or not, there is no way the police can justify the use of a stun gun which led to the death of a man "suspected" of stealing a packet of biscuits. A full investigation is said to be under way but as the police themselves are carrying out the inquiry the result will be a distortion of the facts and no further action necessary. 

    Would I ban their use ? No, there are situations when it is justified and the police must be able to protect the public and themselves from cold blooded criminals. Somebody stealing biscuits does not fall into that category. 

    Review of the Queensland Police Service Taser Trial     [PDF]  >> 


    It comes down to judgment, how can anyone expect to regulate that?

    West-bus, they forgot to mention whilst he was being areested, he bolted and the police then used the taser on him, regardless what he was stealing, he was still breaking the law, unfortunately the taser killed him. The taser will kill any person with a heart murmur or suffers from muscle spasms.

    Just another hoodlum that won't be robbing any more.

    I'm real torn about this. Have heard of a number of deaths via tasers.....They are great but do I trust the people using them? I think not.................

    This is a tough one having grown up in backwoods Canada gun-culture...personally I've had to protect myself on at least one occasion with a long-rifles' presence.In the above case had the deterrent used been a gun instead of a tazer there is a better chance he would have survived a leg wound...go back to bullets?Perhaps it is the "safer" weapon as I know from experience that they can stop a criminal in his/her tracks by its' very presence.

    I think they are a good alternative to the gun, and I think if you keep away from trouble you have nothing to fear.


    Sunny, i wholeheartedly agree !


    Apparently the Taser has three settings, Low, Medium and Max, maybe the Taser was set for Max, which as far as voltage goes is deadly. All State and Federal Police in OZ who carry a Taser  have been Tasered as part of their training, on low setting to experience the pain as a would be felon would experience. A work mate has a son in the Queensland Police Force and he was told his father the incredible pain he suffered  inflicted by the Taser, he had never experienced pain like it, it drops you like a hot potato.

    I don't think the tasers should be banned, as they are intended to be a non-lethal tool in quelling a violent situation. However, it sounds as though the police need more training in regards to  when and where it is appropriate to use them. If injury or death occurs from an instance where that level of force or restraint wasn't actually required, the officer or officers should be prosecuted for the injury or death. They should also make sure they actually have a suspect, and are not just pouncing on some innocent bystander.

    I say keep the Taser's. Judgment was used by the officer how can the government regulate or control that.

    Apparently the Taser has three settings, Low, Medium and Max, maybe the Taser was set for Max, which as far as voltage goes is deadly. All State and Federal Police in OZ who carry a Taser  have been Tasered as part of their training, on low setting to experience the pain as a would be felon would experience. A work mate has a son in the Queensland Police Force and he was told his father the incredible pain he suffered  inflicted by the Taser, he had never experienced pain like it, it drops you like a hot potato.

    For what reason was the stun gun used?  To me, that would seem to be the issue. 

    By comparison,  good people get killed in cars regularly, they should be banned;  and its very unusual that a thief gets killed by the stun gun.  Keep the stun gun,   get rid of automobiles and give the owners stun guns.


    The owners of the stores? No way! The problems with guns is the bad guys get them! Store owners don't need stun guns! I will keep my weapons for my HOME security!

    The people that are using the  lasers are not properly trained. Lasers are a great tool for the police, but are misused like that man that was killed for stealing a packet of biscuits. They must have used a higher setting than was called for.. It disrupts the hearts activity and results in death.


    Ann, it will remain to be seen if the enquiry is dusted under the carpet.

    I hope that doesnt happen. The problem is when someone cant afford a lawer, it most likely will be in the favor of the police. What a shame.

    My two bobs worth "do the crime do the time"

     No one likes to see uneccessary force and certainly not death used on criminals but as a man who had one of my daughters, who was a journalist for a leading Brisbane newspaper, say to me " Bloody hell Dad you don`t believe what you read in the paper as being the full story do you?" "We would never sell a paper if we did that, sensationalism is the name of the game"

    We need more population control like this one and a lot less government intervention.

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