4 Answers
By Tuteja Shalu
African civets live both in the forest and in open country, but they seem to require a covering of tall grasses or thicket to provide safety in the daytime. They rarely can be found in arid regions of Africa. Instead, they are usually found close to permanent water systems. (Ray 1995)
Terrestrial Biomes
savanna or grassland ; forest
; rainforest
; scrub forest
Aquatic Biomes
rivers and streams FOR MORE CONTINUE TO THIS PAGE HERE>>>>>http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Civettictis_civetta.html
12 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Lovely creatures!!! Quite shy. Civet's have a complicated language- but well worth learning it!! They make extrordinary guides through the Forest!!!
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
According to Wikipedia the term civet applies to over a dozen different mammal species. Most of the species diversity is found in southeast Asia. The most well-known civet species is the African Civet, Civettictis civetta, which historically has been the main species from which was obtained a musky scent used in perfumery. The word civetmay also refer to the distinctive musky scent produced by the animals.Civets are also called "toddycats" in English and "musang" in Malay. The latter may lead to some confusion as "musang" also refers to foxes, but civets are more commonly encountered by humans.
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |