    purchaseing dog through e-mails and textes:basic agreement contract

    I have been in contact with a person regarding the purchase of a female pomerain. The seller is located in another state and I am looking for a basic contract to bind our agreement for this trasaction..

    0  Views: 293 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Check out this one >>


    whoops, that one lists a breed. Still looking then.

    Is this an AKA dog? I found this one:

    This is to certify the sale of one ___________ Female Pomeranian ____________________ To: [name, address and phone number] _______________________________________

    For the sum of __________.

    Name of dog: ____________________________________________________________
    Date Whelped: ______________________________ Color: _______________________
    Place of Birth: _______________________________Sex: ________________________
    Litter registration #____________________________AKC #______________________
    Sire: _______________________________________AKC#_______________________
    Dam: ______________________________________AKC # ______________________
    Breeder's name: ___________________________________________
    Breeder's address: _________________________________________


    The above Pomeranian is being purchased as a companion animal [pet], and not for breeding purposes. The purchaser agrees to have this puppy spayed/neutered on or before the age of one year. The AKC registration papers will be furnished after verification has been received by the seller that the above-mentioned dog has been surgically altered. *Verification must be from a certified veterinarian written on his/ her letterhead.

    If at any time the buyer can no longer retain possession of this dog, the seller is to be notified and given FIRST OPTION of resuming full ownership at a * price to be mutually agreed upon by both parties. *This would take into consideration the costs incurred by the breeder in caring for the dog and locating a new home. The dog will be returned with the AKC papers and any medical records.

    Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES is the dog to be placed in a pet shop, animal shelter, or similar establishment.
    Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES is this dog to be used in dog fighting, or similar activities.

    **Failure to comply with the above conditions of sale will hold the purchaser liable for $1500.00 punitive damages payable to the seller upon demand. Any and all court costs, & attorney fees will be paid by the purchaser at the time of the court's decision.
    **It is understood that this agreement is to protect the integrity of the sellers' bloodlines.


    The seller guarantees this dog to be of sound health and temperament at the time of this sale. The purchaser agrees to take this dog to a licensed veterinarian of his choice within 48 hours for a physical examination. Should the dog be determined to be in ill health, the cause of which is clearly attributable to the seller, the dog may, upon written diagnosis from said veterinarian, be returned for refund of the purchase price or for another dog of equal value, the choice to be determined by the seller.
    Any veterinarian's diagnosis shall be subject to confirmation by a veterinarian chosen and paid for by the seller. Should said veterinarian not concur with the diagnosis, the matter shall be presented to a third veterinarian mutually agreed upon by the seller and the purchaser.


    ________Registration Form [Full/Limited]
    ________ Copy of Pedigree
    ________Medical History

    [OWNER]: ___________________________________________DATE: ___________

    [CO-OWNER]: ________________________________________DATE: ___________

    PURCHASER: ________________________________________DATE: ___________

    *Unconditional Guaranty: You may return the dog in the same condition it was when acquired. It may be returned for any reason whatsoever, with ten days of purchase and the full price will be refunded.

    *Congenital Disease Guaranty: If a congenital disease develops within one year of purchase [I reserve the right to have the animal examined by a vet of my choice at my expense to confirm the diagnosis.] one-half of the purchase price will be refunded upon proof of spay/ neuter. [This does not apply to faults or defects, which were disclosed at the time of purchase.]
    *All Guarantees pertain to the original purchaser only.
    *You agree to provide regular veterinary care as well as the proper daily maintenance to keep the dog in good health.
    *You agree to inform me at once if problems develop and to follow all veterinary recommendations for their solution. If these things are not done, all guarantees are void.

    Here is the link you seek,click here>>>

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