    HEALTH IS WEALTH.........

    People waste their health for more wealth and then use the wealth for a better health.WHY???

    +8  Views: 1157 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    People do a lot of things in excess, to gain financial security, and it often has detrimental effects on their health.    It may just be the "hamster on the wheel" syndrome.  We just don't know enough to do everything in moderation.  We think we are really getting somewhere with that extra money.  Closer to the grave is where we're getting. 


    Wealth can not make you Healthy.But SEX can make you "Healthy"Boast the heart

    Health is weath. All the money in the world cant buy you good health.

    ed shank

    How right you are.

    franklin, you have made some wise comments. I totally agree with you.

    People in the "developed" countries tend to define happiness by the amount of wealth they have.  In truth, happiness comes from a variety of elements that keeps us whole:  good health, interaction with grandchildren, eating tasty organic food, good sex, getting satisfaction from just being satisfied, etc.



    Chiangmai, not sure about the sex, but home grown vegies.....fantastic!

    I'm happier with good sex!

    Sex tends to be better with people who are healthier, eat wholesome food, and live a stress-free life as much as possible.

    Amen, Bob/PKB!

    chiangmai, I think your right, should have eaten more vegies

    SEX is healthy keeps you fit "Wealth does not come into it.

    Bob/PKB some day over the rainbow...(I'm dreaming It could happen, It could happen)

    gloriafrmCal what rainbow and what dream. Q&A makes dreams come true, don't you know?

    I quit/retired at a relatively young age (50). I was making a good amount of money, I was also drinking my a** off, smoking sometimes four packs a day, sleeping four hours a night. I saw the writing on the wall. Gave my boss 15 minutes notice, packed my stuff and off I went. I now live in the land of chipmunks (the woods) and love it. I have inner peace, I make a few bucks with my hobby, and my health is as good as can be expected given the hell I put it through for many years. I can still climb trees on occasion that need trimming.


    Don't hang on to the "wrong side" of the branch, okay? :)
    ed shank

    I figured that one out the hard way.Ducka

    Good point ed. I may have been 4 stools down from you some time ago. In hind site, if I had known I would have lived this long I would have taken better care of my body !
    Headless Man

    As long as you have internet all is

    I totally hear what your saying, and  have given this some recent thought, for me personally creature comforts and security are important and the thought of never having the opportunity to work again is a bit frightening, but I have had a lot of time to re think my values, my wealth certainly won.t help when I can no longer be an active member in my community, or perform tasks for myself, so here's to holiday and a foreseeable retirement , health , to me now is more important than all the money in the world


    Absolutely agree, lambshank. Give me health over wealth any day!

    With the carbon tax looming in July of course we look for continued creature comfort, but I guess we're going back to the dark ages sooner than later.

    I`D GIVE ANYTHING FOR GOOD HEALTH..IF THAT MAKES ANY SENSE!!:-) and peace of mind in my book are the best things anyone can ever ask for!!;->

    Some people think he who dies with the most toys wins wrong, It's he he lives with the most joys wins, so yes health is wealth..besides when is the last time you saw an armored car follow a hearse.?


    great anwser/question :)

    Totaly agree


    Mel,how are you? I hope you are back here more often. Missed you.

    Ann that is soooo lovely and thank you I to have missed you and everyone but work has to come first Im afraid I do start day dreaming and switch off when I am at work and think of all sorts of what questions I could post and then when I get home I am writing up work an totally forget! too much grey matter! ha love and miss you Ann xxx

    There is a balance to the Universe in which we all live.

    When you are young and beautiful you cannot look death in the face. As human beings we cannot look death in the face. 

    Health is wealth.........., I'm

    Health is a  slice of the 'happyness pie' .     Happiness of life seems to be the goal for most of those I talk to.   Work weary,  unhealthy people can have happy lives too.   I know quite a few people who work basically to accumulate money.  Its too bad but its what makes them happy.  But different strokes for different folks.

    Health is a blessing, without a doubt, and the value of health cannot be measured in $ for sure. 


    I'm not sure I understand that dynamic either. People get jobs they hate in order to get affordable health benefits. But if the job makes you sick because you hate it, you use health benefits you might not need if you weren't working a job that you hate. It's a vicious circle. Being practical and responsible is truly a relative thing. In my opinion, there's nothing practical about taking a job that you hate just because you can then afford to die a lingering death from stress-induced heart disease, perforated ulcers, and suicidal depression.


    Excellent answer.

    Experience is wealth and health the reward of being careful about the experiences that you choose. Wealth is in the eye of the person who is looking…..I find wealth in things that many do not consider as having any value like this….""""""

     I have a lovely photo of frost but have not found the magic button that posts it here an I tried that two or three times already.

    It is just frozen water, what value is there in that? It is so tempermental and hard to control. You can’t  sell it like it is. But I find my experience of it gratifying and inspiring….beyond the limitations of wealth.   


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