    Has anyone ever experienced a near death experience and seen their life flash by in a matter of seconds?

    It's happened to me several times. I've only meet one other person who has experienced the same sensation. You litterally see your entire life unfold in seconds.

    +2  Views: 502 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    Did you change anything in your life after that happened to you? That must have been a incredible experience.
    ed shank

    Ann. No I didn't change anything specifically, but the situations that lead to it made me aware of how delicate we humans are and how reckless we can be.

    6 Answers

    No, it never happend to me. There is a book by Kuebler-Ross on death and dying. She interviewd people that it happened to. Very interesting book.

    ed shank

    I recently saw an interview of a man who did not believe in God, he was operated on and was dead by definition. His experience was so horrific, he believed he was in hell. A silhouette of a man he believed to be Christ appeared and spoke to him and returned him back to life. He is now a firm believer in Christ. This is just one event to one person, but many have said the same thing.

    I havn't but I have heard people (on TV only) talk about such an experience.

    ed shank

    It's not the bright light experience, but you actually relive your entire life in seconds before impending doom.

    Interesting but kind of scarey also.

    Must be a rerun, i've heard this happening to people but never experienced it personally..

    ed shank

    Very spooky.

    IT would take more than a few seconds for my life to flash past, then comes the sequel.

    ed shank

    How the brain can react in such a way when death seems imminent is amazing. In seconds your life literally flashes by. It is a terrifying experience.

    Not that way but my wife will remember every stupid thing I ever did when we get into an argument.  I think she makes up most of it though, nobody can be that stupid.. LOL

    ed shank

    She told me their all true.

    Lots of dead, near dead and dying experiences… flashbacks of my life….just out of body experiences.  

    ed shank

    Shirley Mclain wrote book on out of body experiences. I also experienced this as well. The silver tether, break it and your gone forever. How you know that the tether must stay connected is what I cold never explain. No voices, but you just knew.

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