    A bit over the top don't you think? (Political)

    If this image is not a very scary indicator of the direction these Obama worshipers want our country to take, I do not know what is. Even if this were legal to do, he is not a good representation of what America stands for. He is an enemy to the people in my opinion and his face on our flag says dictator bold and loud! 


    Veterans Outraged Over American Flag With Obama Image

    Veterans in Lake County, Fla., are incensed that local Democrats hoisted an American flag with President Obama’s image in place of the traditional stars over their headquarters. The veterans denounced the modified banner as “a disgrace,” reports Fox News.

    The veterans’ complaints finally prompted the Democrats to remove the flag from its perch under a customary American flag on the flagpole outside party headquarters in Tavares, Fla.

    “It’s absolutely disrespectful,” said Jim Bradford, 71-year-old veteran who served during the Bay of Pigs invasion. “It’s totally ridiculous. To put somebody’s picture there, to me, it’s a disgrace to do that.”

    Bradford sent pictures of the flag to fellow veterans and friends, and he delivered a copy of the federal flag code to Nancy Hurlbert, chairwoman of the Lake County Democratic Party.

    “We read that to her, but she would not accept that,” Bradford said. “The discussion finally got a little bit heated.”

    Hurlbert later removed the flag, which had been flying for several months without a complaint, and apologized for the incident, but didn’t indicate whether she would fly it again.

    “What really upsets me is that the flag had apparently been flying for months and no one had done anything about it,” Bradford said. “I’ve got no hard feelings toward [Hurlbert], but people will be driving by there to make sure it doesn’t go up again.”

    © 2012 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

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    +11  Views: 2512 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    16 Answers

    Absolutely disgusting.


    Offends the senses, doesn't it?

    He will get away with as much as the American people let him...complacency (sp) is dangerous.


    As much as congress let's him. Congress does not listen to the people. If they did, Obama would be gone already.


    We must do whatever we can to see that Obama  is not reelected.   IMO


    It's just wrong.........

    Here in the Silicon Valley, its worse than that, they even have an elementry school that has a song praising Obama that the children 'must' sing. (started in New Jersey)  There's a restaurant in a town just north of me that has a sign on their front window ' Obama is the coming of the lord'.  There's even more Obama idol worship that I could get into going on here. Too many, just do a search on it. 

    This should not be regardless of who is president.  I might also add that a few years ago a local elementry school had an effigy of GWB that they used for a pinata (sp) They beat it with a stick.. The local newspaper had a picture of it and praised the children for being so creative.   


    I am horrified this kind of sh*t is running rampant less than 200 miles from me. Fresno County seems to be the lone "GOP" pocket in most of Californication.
    Run, Vinny, run very fast. Far, far away.

    My sister lives in Bakersfield, same there, mostly Conservative. Where i am, we are at least 80% liberal though. Conservatives here are afraid to fly our colors in fear of vandals, there have been a few cases of that but the media keeps it quiet, mostly on hidden pages of the San Jose Mercury news.. Although I will say that a few weeks ago there was extensive damage and vandalism to a catholic Church and many of the statues were defaced with satanist remarks. Or Anarchist symbols of hatred.

    I am just sad. Our grandchildren are going to grow up in a world that continues spiraling down in morals, values, respect.... Right now, I don't see much hope for them. :{

    i always thought it was not only morally wrong but illigal to deface the national flag(u.k.. dont know about the u.s),or anyone could put there face on a flag and fly it over there house.

    might keep the cats away though!!!


    It is illegal in the USA too.

    i dont know who is the most embarrassing bush or obama,not a lot to pick from..........

    I agree with you bowlesy, GWB didn't set well with many people, me included and i am a republican. Regardless the president, he is still president of our country. The flag of our country is not to be defaced with anyone's face or any other changing of its design, it is illegal, however so is defacing US currency but I see this all the time too. The American people do not have the 'built in' patriotism as we once did-- This is because of political correctness and 1st amendment rights. Where I have no problem with A1-- I have problem with people that take advantage of it. They have a right to speak, I also have a right to not listen. So, I try my best to ignore those that desecrate our flag and our country.

    it is a sad thing but due to world movement of different races the u,k and i suspect the u.s are losing there national i.d. and it follows that patriotism declines

    This is a Democrat desecration of the USA flag :(


    If it was Democratic in origin we would have seen it before now. I looked for a place to buy one…can you find one ?

    Whatever you do, don't let zorro  or ed shank see this.  (And whatever they say goes double for me).

    I agree it's not right your flag is your country's flag not a politcian, there would be uproar in the UK if any politician put their face on the Union Jack.

    In Australia, patriotism is weakening too because of all the races entering the country. Our flag is defaced and no one does anything. I hope our Prime Minister doesn't put her mug on our flag. Americans are mugs to put up with  that kind of thing.

    I will refrain at this time from making any comments on this issue, don't need the Feds showing up at my door. Need time to chill. Big brother is watching us.

    I am a Democrat  to the bone  but  thats  way out of line,

    This is a Republican Attack on Obama.  


    It was the democratic headquarters that flew the flag. Did you read the article?

    I read the article and I think I’m right. The building as Democratic HQ is in question since I have seen two posting for the same site. I’m still looking into it it’s a red flag to me. I’ll let you know what I find.

    Tea Party Insider Martin Lotman has quite a sheet of his stirrings. I think he broke the story and is a Tea Party insider. I have been looking to what he was into and who produced the flag. That has been very tough to find. The Dem HQ in the area of Flordia is not pictured…that location may be remote. This story popped up on every republican Obama basher site within a day of the first publication. The flag is not sanctioned by the Democrats. Marti Lotman is the trade name the reporter uses.

    This is a Democrat desecration of the USA flag

    I can't imagine a Republican wasting money on something so sickening.

    Bob, likely not a Republican attack, but it’s going to take a week for the phones to stop ringing in Florida. Marti Lotman has his phone off the hook and the Dem Chair could not be reached. Marti is a Tea Party insider. No one there is going to stick their head out for a while. So who knows who is responsible or if it was a simple screw-up, bait and switch or what. Fact tracking isn’t easy on the phone/net.

    Sad part is it's our tax money wow ..

    It's an obamanation.

    I think some rabble- rouser did that to stir up trouble. .......kind of like in H.S.


    Bradford sent pictures of the flag to fellow veterans and friends, and he delivered a copy of the federal flag code to Nancy Hurlbert, chairwoman of the Lake County Democratic Party.

    “We read that to her, but she would not accept that,” Bradford said. “The discussion finally got a little bit heated.”

    Hurlbert later removed the flag, which had been flying for several months without a complaint, and apologized for the incident, but didn’t indicate whether she would fly it again.


    >>> Nancy Hurlbert, chairwoman of the Lake County Democratic Party. <<<

    Do you suppose she's still in high school or if not, is simply a rabble-rouser?

    It's probably an individual that did that, and not a very intelligent one!

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