    Is a monarchy better than a president?

    In the USA, we elect a president every four years.  In other countries, there are monarchs, prime ministers, dictators, parliaments, and congresses.  
    What's the best way of governing a nation? 

    +7  Views: 639 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    I think as far as governing a country the Westminster system is the way to go.

    That's a great question.

    11 Answers

    In England, the monarchy only functions as a figure a potted palm on the stage. Hope all you brits won't be offended. I'm only telling what one of our teachers said in H.S. and what I hear on talk radio

    The only perfect Monarchie governing a country is Monaco. Easy to govern because of its tiny size.Every country with its own gvernment is not perfect either. Looking at China and theire changes, they are something to be admired.. They are constandly rebuilding theire country and dont get involved in wars. Our recent finacial crisis did not affect china at all. Our country used to be a great country too, Look where we are now. Its the politicians and theire lobby who has made us a country no longer admired and respected.. Other countries have the same problem. I really dont know what system is best...All countries seem to have problems with governing. 

    Who cares if she's a potted palm. I like a monarchy and I will never vote for a republic. I have many relatives in England.


    Eggie , what's your relatives in the U.K. have to do with OZ becoming a Republic?
    Headless Man

    If the monarch is a good person maybe, but if not, then what........

    It's easier to visit them if we are not a republic. I don't mind it becoming a republic if Charles gets to be king. I hate Camilla.

    I would like to see Australia become a republic, it should have been done years ago.

    Monarchy do not have a say on how the country is run She is only a figure head for tourists government run the country .Or "Tories" ruin." it. 

    The US could use some improvement in the executive branch as is we have seen too many loose cannons in the Executive position. I would prefer our association with other countries to be a greater part of the Executive branch in treaties of mutual benifit and cultural embrace. We are not alone in the world but our international relationships are generally a runner-up to our tiny little home front stories that so often mean so little to so few. Our exposure to world events affecting the lives of millions are often little more than footnotes on the back page.  Our Presidential executive branch may have little to do with world news but our information media is growing and will need an upgrade…perhaps to the Sec of State position…Hillary has demonstrated her position as deserving an even greater agency than afforded before her. Monarchy has had heroes and  power-hungry villains. What position does not need oversight is in name only and inept otherwise.

    Different forms of government fit best different nations based on mostly historic development and conditions

    Digger, I stand corrected. Thank You. That's probably what Bob had in mind. Not the  mindless total control of a person that feels their position was appointed by God.

    Monarchy I think North Korea. Scary. :(


    Not quite. Military dictatorship is more like it in North Korea.
    South Korea is where they make and export KIA's and Hyundai's.

    Informed intelligent people do better with our system. Take a look at sandland, all dictators, why? The people are by definition STUPID.



    They never had a chance to evolve along with most of the rest of the world. But I'll go with STUPID, ed, because our United Nation effort has TRIED, BUT THEIR STUPID.! But China has kept their people from advancing also, UNTIL, OMG, they discovered Capitalism in a republic government setting. This could be, or probably is somewhere, a book of information and reasons.

    I don't believe there isn't  any easy answers, too who might be elect for governing a large Country like USA.with all of it's problems, I wouldn't want to be the one making those decision. Although women are known too be smarter in my opinion. The problem still remain, you just can't please everyone, after all the damage is done.

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