    would you realy want Newt Gingrich for your president ?

    Newt Gingrich had his fair share in watergate he had to do with the president's resignnation.   In my opinion hee was just as guilty of the crime as the president and many others, I bolive that he was quite aware of what was going on behind closed doors and should have been punished just like the rest.

    +2  Views: 639 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    17 Answers

    You are taking about something that happenend in the seventies and it obiesly has nothing to with Newt Gingrich. You need to study the history of the US.

    I think he would make a better president than Obama. Obama added over 5 trillion to US. deficit in 3 years, the most of any president in US. history.

    He has done nothing to fix our energy crisis, exept spend billions on green energy that no one can afford.

    Another 4 years of Obama and our country wii be gone as we know it.


    Great answer ann, you are right on the button. it is unfortunate that there are so many voters that do not see this 'button'.

    Newt Gingrich and Watergate??     It's fact checking time smithjudy.  Don't be a "repeater" (so and so said it, so it must be true).  Study, read, think and then make a decision on your own.

    At this point he's got my vote , unless some miracle happens overnight..

    How old are you, I lived through his career and think he would be a great president, not perfect but who is.......

    Tell ya what!  If these gas prices don't go down here in the US, Obama ain't gunna make it!  Although I have a theory.. I think they will go down, he is responsible for putting lots of money in investors pockets in regards to green energy.. Speculators and the media will control prices, they want obama, they will force prices up today and in the late fall, drop like crazy and of course, Obama will get the credit for it.. Watch this cycle, it will unfold before your eyes.. I predict that by october we will be back around 3 bucks or maybe even lower. We are already now at $5,00 here in some areas of CA-- I drove past a station tonight that was at $5.00 

    Who starts these obnoxious rumors>>?   I am curious, could you please grace us with your source of information?? Please post where this information and your claims came from?? 

    What really bothers me is this person votes.. :(  And there are so many others like this poster.. Kool-Aid..

    Where in the world did you ever get the idea that he was involved in 1973 Watergate scandal?? 

    During the 1970s, Gingrich was teaching history and geography at the University of West Georgia.

    He was elected to the US House of Representatives five years later, in November 1978.

    One can not get accurate information from such as   ;-)





    I do.  I believe he could restore "fear America" back to international thinking.   Now the word america, without a capital letter, is on a cereal box for the worlds breakfast. 


    hech no!

    I think we need someone really far to the right so that congress (the people) can push him to center.  If we keep Obama, they seem not to have an influence on him so he stays left.  I would prefer center.. --to get the ball rolling, you need more energy than what is needed to keep the ball rolling.  Someone far to the right can be backed off for smooth sailing in the center lane.   Doesn't work the other way though..



    Why not?  So he may have over did it with his influence peddling, his multiple marriages, his ethics violations while Speaker of the House.

    Other than that, he's a Saint ! He FEARS GOD.

    And in America, sadly, that's all that seems to matter to too many voters.

    No.  I'm holding out for Dick Weed.


    I did not bring or send anyone here named andy. She is wrong. I guarantee you that.

    oh hell no

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