    how do I clean my coffee pot?

    0  Views: 573 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    Fill up with water to max., add a teaspoon of vinagar, bring to the boil, let it stand till it cools down, pour out contents down the sink, refill with water and bring to boil again, then empty . repeat procudure, and you should have a nice clean coffee pot. ----- if you have a filtered water system , use all the time to fill coffee pot and it will remain clean until the coffee pot r.i.p.

    i wash mine with the dishes whenever i use it. mine stays clean.


    Same here. Soap and water and it's clean.

    No, this is not the way to do it.


    Put in a tea bag might not clean ,but it will take the "smell away.Its great what having "Brains can do for you.

    Caustic Soda and a tooth brush. Rinse several times. If in America, Amway has some great products, including a sediment remover "zoom". No I am not an Amway agent, but I do like their products. Horribly expensive though!

    You put water, vinegar adn baking soda in it. Then, put on the lid and swish it around. Then, wipe out the inside with like a dish cloth.Then turn it upside down in dish rack to let it air dry .


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