15 Answers
It's usually a gut feeling. And sweetie your gut is usually right. Been there, hope it's just a stomach ache.
12 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
If you suspect it, he probably is.
12 years ago. Rating: 10 | |

If he is vague about his doings...or he cops out the last minute prior to a planned event...if he is not where he says he's going to be...if he can't look you in the eye without flinching...if his usual scent is "off"...if the money doesn't add up...if he reassures you by telling you you're "imagining things"...if his phonecalls have become a little too private...if his paystubs are missing hours for no apparent reason...if he freaks out because you have his phone,laptop,etc....if you've got this nagging suspicion that something's just not right.....need I go on???
12 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
He comes home bathed and smells good and he says he has been to a gym but isn't losing weight. Suggest you put an extra pair of underwear in his pants the next time to let him know that you are onto him :). And he will have a lot of "Repeated questions" to your straight question. I think that was in another question here :). If he falls asleep by 9pm, that's a definite sign and if he complains of headaches, feed him some arsenic while pretending it is Disprin ;). Several other clues, 3 mobile phones, mostly kept in his car or office but the bills come to you. They slip up usually. Just bide your time, if you want to bide your time. By the way, Liz Taylor is my idol :).
12 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
A change in routine could be a tipoff.
Your sex life increases or decreases. Affection, same thing.
He is even less attentive to you when you talk than usual.
Excuses for being late or not showing up for something you have planned, missing the kids' games or performances.
Working OT without a paycheck to validate the extra time.
He needs to have more time for himself...away from home.
It's hard to have an affair with someone without making time for it. Blocks of unexplained absences would be a tipoff.
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Have you ever followed him? Give him a cellphone with a tracker in it for a present. Then you can track him to find out where he's going.
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
You can tell if a man is cheating if he leaves a 50 on the bed side table and is gone before morning.
12 years ago. Rating: 2 | |