    what legal papers would I need to start a daycare center in my backment

    +1  Views: 291 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    You need to check with your town zoning to see if it's allowed. You need a state approved daycare license and you need to create a business name and get a tax ID to file taxes on money generated from the daycare. You would also probably need to insure your home as a business.  If by backment, you mean basement, it may not be allowed unless your basement has two exits on opposite ends of it and has no dampness or mold and has plenty of windows for ventilation. 

    More than the legal papers, you would need to have space for the children, swings and other forms of entertainment. You may have to be registered with the child care services. In Australia, it is the commonwealth services. You will have to present them with a clean police record. You will have to register your business, and you may also have to open a tax file and a bank account, because it is a business. Most kindergarten and day care centres operate on a neighbourhood policy and the neighbourliness of people, its a question of who knows who. Legalizing the business also means payments in taxes etc.. The gardens and play areas have to be cordoned off from traffic and hang abouts. You cannot have pets that are "unfriendly" because some kids are afraid of animals and some are allergic to cat fur etc.

    First, criminal background check. Obtain a tax ID number. A piss test for dope. Your basement will probably cost you tens of thousands of dollars in renovation before you can operate that kind of business. Must be wheelchair accessable, which means that a ramp which does not have an incline of more than 7 degrees is required. Good luck doing that in a basement. Sprinkler system and ADP direct connect to police and fire. That's just a few things. Good luck.

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