2 Answers
What Does High Protein in Urine Mean?
One can have 10 mg protein in 100 ml of urine. 24 hours protein clearance should be less than 150 mg. Presence of more protein in urine, more than the above values, suggest that the person has proteinuria. Albumin is the protein which is present in human blood in large amounts. So in case of proteinuria, detection of higher amounts of albumin in the urine, is quite common. To understand what does high protein in urine mean, let us take a look at the causes of protein in urine in detail.
Kidney Problems: Proteinuria is considered as one of the early signs of kidney diseases. Detection of protein in urine suggests that kidneys should be thoroughly examined. Kidneys help to filter and separate the toxic and unwanted materials from the blood. Detection of protein in urine, therefore indicates that kidneys are not functioning well. Kidneys do not function properly when they become inflamed due to some kind of infection. Even infection of the urinary tract can affect the kidney function. Diseases and disorders of the urinary system like polycystic kidney disease; glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the glomeruli in the kidneys, affecting the function of the nephrons); pyelonephritis (inflammation of the nephrons in the kidneys due to bacterial invasion); nephrotic syndrome; bladder tumor, etc. can seriously damage the kidneys and affect their functioning. Moreover, uncontrolled diabetes, type 1 and type 2; and high blood pressure can eventually result in kidney dysfunction.
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