    how to convert adobe file to powerpoint

    0  Views: 351 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer


    Download and install one of the Adobe PDF writing programs. Acrobat Pro is used in the following steps and a free trial is available from the Adobe Systems website. The same process will work with Acrobat Standard and Acrobat Pro Extended.

    Launch the Acrobat PDF writing program and open the Adobe document that you want to convert to PowerPoint. Click once on the "Open" icon to launch the "Open" dialogue box. Use the "Look in" menu to choose the folder in which the Adobe PDF file is saved. Click once on the file name and once on the "Open" button.

    Click once on the "File" drop-down menu, once on "Export" and select the "Image" option. Choose an image format, such as "JPEG" from the list of available options. This action will launch a "Save As" dialogue window. Use the "Look in" menu to choose the folder to which the converted JPEG files will be saved. Make certain the "Save as type" field is listed as one of the JPEG options (.jpe, .jpg, .jpeg). Type a name into the file name field and click once on the "Save" button. Please note that each page from the Adobe PDF will be saved as a separate file using the name that you typed into the file name field followed by the page number from the source PDF.

    Launch the PowerPoint program and open a blank presentation. To accommodate the image sizes, change the page set-up to match that of the source PDF. For example, if the Adobe file used 8.5-by-11-inch portrait orientation, change the PowerPoint slide set-up to match it. Click once on the "File" menu and select "Page Setup" to launch the window to adjust the settings. After you have adjusted the setup, click once on the "OK" button.

    Click once on "Insert," once on "Picture" and select the "From file" option. Use the "Look in" menu to choose the folder to which the JPEG images were saved. Click once on the file name of a page that you want to insert and click once on the "Inset" button. The image of the PDF page will appear on the slide. If you right-click on the image and select "Show Picture Toolbar," a menu with a variety of tools that allow you to adjust the image will appear.

    Click once on the "Insert" menu and select "New Slide" to add blank slides to the PowerPoint presentation. Repeat Step 5 for each piece of the Adobe PDF that you want to insert into the PowerPoint. Remember to save your presentation using the "Save As" option under the "File" menu.

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