    everytime i put electric fire it keeps tripping out my fuse board and have no electricity

    +1  Views: 1295 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    You are drawing too many amps for your breaker, or you have a weak breaker. If you are familiar with how to shut-off power to the breaker box, they are relatively easy to change out. You can raise the amerage, but should keep in mind that the purpose of the breaker is to protect the wiring from overheating and causing a fire.

    You can also run a dedicated line for your heater. Most fuse boxes have room left in them for expansion, unless this has already been done to any significant extent. If you have never done any of this, you might want to find someone who has, or an electrician. Remember, always de-energize the breaker box, and always treat your wires as though they are live (never allow yourself to be between a wire and something it will ground out on, and never handle more than one wire at a time).

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