    are there side effects from turmeric?

    I'm 65 and have started sweating with hot flash symptoms and it started after I started taking turmeric.  Is this a side effect or coincidence ?

    +1  Views: 709 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

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    I guess if you were foolish enough to eat a teaspoon of it, it would burn your mouth. I have not heard of it doing that.. I have used turmeric in my cooking for many many years and nothing's happened to me. In India, people rub it on their faces and skin as a beauty treatment. Of course, they do end up with yellow skin, but that's all. Some people have it in a glass of milk.

    Gramma J.

    These are 500mg capsules I'm taking. Or I should say was taking. thanks for the reply!!!

    turmeric is used extensively in cooking in India, Arabia and the far east.  cooking with spices was not just used as flavour enhancers, but also for health.  in the west this was done also, but as times pass and we become more modern, we forget the ways of the past.  turmeric is very good for stomach complaints, and i  use it with out any problem.  i used it a lot, for my mother as she had IBS,  with no problem at all.  pherhaps you are taking it in tablet form,  in which case, maybe you are taking too much, the dosages are really a guide line, i would suggest if this is the case, cut your dose by 50%  &./or  take it every other day.  what you are experiencing could be just coincdence, stop taking it for a while and see.  it could just be that time of life. i*m afraid!  in which case you may think about trying soya, beans, spreads, milk,  apparently part of what they contain, (besides vitamins, fibre etc..) is a mineral which mimics the female hormones, which helps us when we reach that certain age!!  another good thing is mint tea, no milk though it can be sweetened,  its  also good for a lot of other things,  but i think i"ve gone on long enough!!  hope this helps.

    Gramma J.

    Dacia Thank you for the info. I'm pretty sure it's not a time of life thing. That was a long time ago. I did stop taking them and it has stopped. so I will take your advice and cut the dose down. Thanks again. J.

    you"r welcome

    It could interact with certain medication like bloodthinners. It could lower your blood sugar if you have Diabetes.  Stop taking turmeric for a week and see what happens or take less of a dose.

    Gramma J.

    I will check this out with the meds I'm on. Thank you thank you!!!

    It could burn  your tonge. It would mine. ......And your gums and the roof of your mouth. No wonder it made you sweat

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