    is israel preparing for war with iran

    +3  Views: 722 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    According to latest news they are carrylng out casualty simulations, (just in case)

    They,ve always been preparing for war with Iran,Hair trigger stuff.



    Needlessly indeed!

    Google Middle East Policy Council and US. Foreign Policies by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt Romos, that will show the real reason

    Only for about the last 2000  years , but this time their serious..

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed, let the music begin.


    I could be a little closer to the shit hitting the fan than you ed, don,t play the music too loud.

    Exactly! They start throwing nukes at each other we will all suffer!
    ed shank

    How long do you think it will finally take before it hits the fan? Do it, do it now and lets get on with whatever life hands us. The head in the sand thing is never going to work.

    If there is a nuclear exchange, the whole world will suffer, and watch out for the price of gas! not to mention commodity .

    Its only a matter of time when Israel will attack and cripple iran.The leader of israel does not respect obama so they will probably will not give notice to obama. Tensions are growing . I believe within next two weeks the attack will begin. The USA will help Israel, but you dont see anyone assisting iran. Iran has a death wish.  It  may very well come to that.


    My sources didn't inform me about it.


    You are Russian Romanian American????
    You don,t have good sources????

    When did I say I don't have good sources?

    When you said you were not informed????

    the reason i ask this question is because my sister has been living there for four years she holds a british passport she has to leave every 3 months and re enter  on thurs she and her family had just returned to israel and they gave her two weeks to leave the country without any explanation???


    So you think the Israeli government give their citizens two week notice before they take out Iranian nuclear plant(s) as they did with Irak? Last year I cancelled my trip to Israel for the same reason...

    Better safe than sorry.

    lease see my answer

    I think you people need to read more about History.  In a nutshell many peoples want to claim the land that Israel owns as theirs.  Until recently (and probably not for long) the Palestinians and Israelies have fought about this.  But Israel has been attacked by terrorists groups - groups tied to Iran.  Though American Intelligence does not believe the Iranians have built nuclear weaons it is known that they have the Russian model for building bombs, the resouces to build the bomb (uranium, plutonium, etc), and specialized scientists to build it. They may actually have a bomb/ bombs) that noone has found.  The US and UN have placed sanctions against Iran because Iran will not cooperate-  the UN encouraged all known countries who have nukes to participate in what essentially is a promise not to use them- which these countries have agreed upon.  This agreement has been ongoing for quite a while.  Isreal is a very tiny country that could be obliterated easily by nuclear strikes.  Thy are running scared as Iran might have nukes- and some Iranian factions wouldn't think twice about using them against Israel.  The US entered talks with Israel trying to disuade them from 'gearing up' to pre-empt a nuclear attack.  The Israelies do not believe that the US nukes would make it to the Iranian nukes in time to save Israel.  They left the talks specifically saying that they would not inform the US prior to a pre- emptive strike so the US could not be blamed for it. (The pre-emptive strike may well include the use of a nuclear weapon which would break the UN agreement they signed).

    Not only is Israel a country but most Israelies, Jewish, and Christian people believe it is the Holy Land.  And Israel is determined to keep it's land and its people safe.

    So, to answer your question Israel does not want to engage in any type of war with Iran but they are willing to strike first if there is a clear and present danger of and Iranian strike.

    ed shank

    How much more clear can it be? The UN by the way is worthless and should be abolished.

    They still attack the Palestinians daily BTW,needlessly in my eyes.


    You really need to read up on factual reality. Israel through its meddling is systematically fragmenting all Arab states so that they become religious enclaves incapable of challenging the hegemony of Israel in the middle east. They had the USA bomb Iraq with false WMD data. Lebanon is marginalised by religious conflict stirred up by Israel. Syria is next.

    Israel with the help of the US. is the military superpower in the middle east. Israel has an arsenal of nuclear weapons and modern day weapons supplied by the US. Israel has nothing to fear from Iran. It is not about Nuclear weapons, it is about the oil and dominance in the middle east.

    An attack on Iran could result in a war, that will send oil prices through the roof and cripple our economy even further

    Our polititians routinly inflate foreign threats, downplay the risks, ignore economic consequences and disregard american interests.


    Ann, I know my answer was long but please read it. Thank you- the Doo

    Doo, I read your post. I am not convinced however that Nuclear weapons by Iran is the real reason.

    The prospect of Iran having a nuclear capability after all their old and more recent rhetoric is gradually tipping the cart. I honestly think it is only a matter of time, mostly based upon whether Israel feels it can launch a first strike that can cripple them and preclude massive retaliation. Otherwise, it'll be little different than taking a stick and whacking a bee hive!


    Either way- no matter who strikes first- we will all pay!

    the problem i have is, these are not the Iraqis they are the Persians and they aren't going anywhere 80 million strong with a desire to annihilate the west worrisome times ahead This may be the start of another great war what a great way to take your mind of the economic crisis 


    I agree, and its a shame things are going the direction they are. I don't think a war will take anyone's mind off from the economic crisis, as I feel it will only become more evident, that it will increasingly become more and more a bigger part of it in the future.

    You are telling me that you believe every single Persian wants to annihilate the entire Western World? You are wrong. Have you ever met a Persian? Have you ever asked this question to a Persian?

    That is like saying that EVERY SINGLE American fully agreed with every single thing our President does. (any President- not just Obama) It is totally untrue!

    It is also like saying Because the KKK is "Christian" All Christians are KKK members.

    Do you see where I am going with this?

    Please don't generalize about an entire 80 mil. people without SOLID facts.

    Ti Chris63chris,

    Iran has no ambition to annihilate the West. That is Jewish propaganda. Iran is not an aggressor and has not attacked any Nation in over 600 years. Israel is constantly attacking sovereign nations. Iran has no nuclear weapons. Israel has over 200 which it denies.
    Iran is a signature to International inspections. Israel is not.

    Which is the REAL rogue state?

    Click on this link for the truth.

    so what your saying is that because most Germans  didn't agree with the extermination of Jews it didn't happen or because most peace loving people don't want to go to war world wars never happened this is not about people like you and me and the majority of Persians its about a handful of  warmongering people with a political agenda that unfortunately whether you like it or not represent all. this is the way of the world and has been from the beginning of time 

    There would be no happy ending to this episode should there be a war between the two countries.   You can take this to the bank.

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