    If you are a republican and would vote today, who would you vote for? Santorum or Romney?

    And why wold you vote that way.

    +3  Views: 742 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    I am going to vote for Romney unless God changes my mind At least he doesn't lie

    12 Answers

    Niether one   Why ??????  They're  Republicians


    Well said.
    And all the best from Scotland.

    good choice so far

    They are also crazy.



    Is HE in this question???

    No but he's got my vote..

    Well lets see....Newt changes his History to suit his own need.  Santorum wants to take away women's rights.  Romney thought it was ok to put is dog on top of his car.....some choices!

    After the insults hurled at each other, I would not vote for either. Newt would get my vote, although he looks like he's got no chance at this point. If this loon gets in again, I' m moving to Australia.


    So long Ed Shank

    Their Prime Minister leads the Labour Party. If you think the Democrats are Socialists, you'll quickly re-pack your bags and head for Canada where ours leads the Conservative Party.

    I'm not voting for either, I don't know what to do..........

    ed shank

    Vote for Peter Cottontail, anyone but Obama.

    We need to vote for the lesser of all evils. I would love to vote for Huckabee, but I don't have that choice. I'll vote for whoever has the best chance to replace Obama.

    The lesser of the two religious fanatics. That would be Romney by about an inch.

    Whichever one was running against Obama. Unfortunately, I don't think either could beat an incumbent, which means we will have 5 more years of out of control spending, bowing down and apologizing to our enemies, and financial ruin. 


    I am 100% sure unless there is a divine intervention Obama is going to stay. So I probably will have me a big bottle of the strong stuff on hand for voting day and stay putt.

    I would vote for a rusted old RAIN BARREL before I would vote to re-elect Barack Obama.

    Hope this answers your question.


    Ron Paul or Gingrich. There is no honesty in poitics anymore. Our presidents are run by the elite of this country.  Ron Paul and Gingrich cant be bought. Ron Paul also is against any war in the middle east, that through our war mongering have created all those terroist that we now trying to take down with more wars , but create only more terrorists.

    Ron Paul or Gingrich

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