    Patriots returning from active duty or just Gay!

    the comments section in this article is far more revealing than the article itself. 

     what do you think? ;-)

    0  Views: 805 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Yes and 2 months ago it was a lesbian couple greeting each other. With the removal of the discriminatory DADT, they can now be open about and with their partners and welcome each other home the same as any couple. I think it's grand. 1 up for the USA.  This is homosexuals showing their love for each other as a couple. It's "just as gay" as "just as hetero" for the straight people. 

    BTW welcome back Grit, I haven't seen you in quite a while here. 

    It made me feel Great!  I thought it was emotional and sweet...just the way I feel about all military homecomings!  I think it is a great step in the right direction for the military!

    Straight or gay, what's important here is their all fighting for the same cause..a liberal America..

    I understand that  in a  foxhole there is no color , and too me  gay is just as scared to death as I would be  in combat.  so  who cares  .  The  Jarhead you mention  done his duty  for his country and thats  all that matters


    No atheists in foxholes either, or so it is said.

    'Monty', Field Marshal Montgomery was probably  gay, as was Baden-Powell. Would they have been better soldiers if they had come out? In those days, to be gay and in the forces was the kiss of death. Some things are better today.

    Gay or straight I'd like to shake your hand and express how grateful I am for your service to OUR country!

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