y name is David Sterner & I WAS ENROLLED @ a.r.s. SUB CLINIC HEADED BY FRANK KUHNCLE M.D. & AFTER 18 MOUNTHS W/ THIS PARTICULAR OUTFIT I WAS ABRUPLY TOLD I NEEDED TO GO ANOTHER HOUR AND A HALF FURTHER TO MASSENO ,PA. AFEW WEEKS LATER I WAS TOLD I WAS BEING TERMINATED FROM CLINIC 'CUZ OF DIRTY URINE. I WENT TO upmc, GOT A BIG NEGITIVE ON LAB RESUALTS. tHEY LIED TO ME & TOLD ME THAT I WAS HOT 4 OXYCOTIN. SO I CALLED THE Cranberry twn. office to see what was going on. The resepstionist was, or seemed to be very pleasent that day, 'cuz she told me w/ a smerkish laugh , yeah, we lied to you mr. sterner , the urine she told me was made up & they were dissmissing me from the life sustsaining suboxone program because "i was mean to the staff @ Cranberry, however that would b difficujt 2 do being sutch that i was being seen 150 miles further south from the Cranberry suite 201 main office. i was seen by doctor belusso in massenna,Pa & had no ill visits or talks w/ ANYONE! a girl named Madalyn inCranberry office i think made the whole life threatening lie up. I think it was a game or something to this bizzare groupe of healthcare professionals??!y name is David Sterner & I WAS ENROLLED @ a.r.s. SUB CLINIC HEADED BY FRANK KUHNCLE M.D. & AFTER 18 MOUNTHS W/ THIS PARTICULAR OUTFIT I WAS ABRUPLY TOLD I NEEDED TO GO ANOTHER HOUR AND A HALF FURTHER TO MASSENO ,PA. AFEW WEEKS LATER I WAS TOLD I WAS BEING TERMINATED FROM CLINIC 'CUZ OF DIRTY URINE. I WENT TO upmc, GOT A BIG NEGITIVE ON LAB RESUALTS. tHEY LIED TO ME & TOLD ME THAT I WAS HOT 4 OXYCOTIN. SO I CALLED THE Cranberry twn. office to see what was going on. The resepstionist was, or seemed to be very pleasent that day, 'cuz she told me w/ a smerkish laugh , yeah, we lied to you mr. sterner , the urine she told me was made up & they were dissmissing me from the life sustsaining suboxone program because "i was mean to the staff @ Cranberry, however that would b difficujt 2 do being sutch that i was being seen 150 miles further south from the Cranberry suite 201 main office. i was seen by doctor belusso in massenna,Pa & had no ill visits or talks w/ ANYONE! a girl named Madalyn inCranberry office i think made the whole life threatening lie up. I think it was a game or something to this bizzare groupe of healthcare professionals??!