    how do I keep favorites

    0  Views: 405 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    Hi Darlin,

                    2keep favorites look in the right hand corner of your screen and you should see 3 pictures one that looks like a house, one that looks like a star and the other looks like the sun with a hole in the middle...

    Now let me try and explain what all 3 meen and what they do....

    1.. House picture------ click on this and it will take you back to your homepage...

    2..Star picture----- click on this and it will let you add Favorites, plus let u add special folders 2keep  them tidy in.

    3. Sun picture with a hole in----- click on this and your tools item will come up and you can do any work ie..alter page settings etc...

    I hope this is whay you wanted to know and also that it helps you out?

    Love Horsey_Lady_2012    xx

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