    what causes green bile?

    +1  Views: 407 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    Green vomit is typically due to vomiting bile once you've run out of food to throw up. It's 'normal' in the sense that it's what happens if your stomach is otherwise empty and you're still vomiting. But then normally if it's some sort of food-related vomiting it would typically stop once you've ejected the offending materials so it might suggest that there's something else wrong. I don't think vomiting typically becomes a seriously critical concern until there's blood involved, although persistent vomiting should always be checked on.

    Do you have any other symptoms - pains etc. particularly abdominal or headaches? Have you banged your head recently or anything like that?

    Keep hydrated and see a doctor if it persists.

    gall bladder gi organs. Ask a doc.

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