    who want to date me?

    +3  Views: 985 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    13 Answers

    """Well, if you insist...I'm ready 'n' waitin'.


    Lol, so funny.

    You need to go elsewhere to find a date.  Get involved in a sport, or at a church, or at a volunteer agency, or take a course in something that interests you.  That is the best way to find a date...not on the internet!!!


    Really good answer, Ducky; way better than Um's.

    This isn't a dating site.

    Just out of curiousity, how old are you?

    thats  so sad` dont you have any Love and Respect for yourself?!!!

    Save your breath for later, you could use it to inflate your next date..

    This is not the way to find people to date, as young as you are. There are people out there that will answer you and have every intention to hurt you.  They will say nice things and convince you to give them information about you, or tell you to meet them somewhere. Dont do it. You will get hurt. Pain is not a good thing.


    The name looks like to me to be from female, just a guess. The question looks like came from probably a 10 to 13 year old. Only a young child would ask that using the words in that sentence, for the most part. Using that information , i have about a 85 percent chance to get it correct.

    Moderator matter the age, it is always a good thing to discourage someone from seeking a "date" on akaQA...not everyone has high morals and some actually seem quite fascinated by the "young ones". You gave a good response in my opinion.

    Not necessarily aka, but on line anywhere.

    This site (akaQA) is where the question was asked, therefore my response. I DO agree with you...on line ANYWHERE.

    Those teeth of yours look a bit too sharp for me.

    And the obvious answer is:  NOBODY here wants to date you.


    :) :)

    Date me! Here's my picture...




    Well, it will take longer than stoning you.................

    Just a minute let me gather my gnuts together!

    Who doesn’t date anymore however What is still on the market.

    Not me, but can I have the date for a pie?

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