    Why is everybody so obsessed with aliens right now?

    Not you Fishy, You are allowed!  

    +5  Views: 1345 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    I blame Eggplant and Fish frylet!!!!

    They started it! 



    That is AWESOME!!!!

    Not (Eggie) to mention (Eggie) any names (Eggie) but there is (Eggie) only one of us (Eggie) that is truly facinated (Eggie) by alien phenomenon........


    Who in the world (Eggie) could that be??? LOL acually there are others too.

    She is top dog though.....

    Of course she is!!!!

    I'm not worried about Aliens, b/c there's enough crazy humans around here>>>> in the Detroit area .Maybe aliens would be preferable to them.

    It is a strange phenomenon, the obsession that is..

    I think I have one next door, she's as round as a basketball, never speaks but alarmingly knows I'm told


    Does she always have her mouth full while she's sitting on the porch?

    you bet

    you bet she does

    I'm not trying to talk behind someones back, is eggplant really obsessed with the alien thing?  I respect her views but I really want to know if she believes aliens are about? Please eggplant , don't get mad at me I just want to know.


    She believes, as do I. We've both seen them. I saw one as a child along with 5 of my siblings and other people in town saw it too. Get ready, this year is the year :)

    Thanks I've never see any however I would be a fool to think none existed. I believe in aliens , but I think I'm scared of meeting face to face

    As I have seen numerous UFOs, I know that someone has to be flying them. I think they belong to us. Some of them are huge. I even took a photo of one last year and it was daylight.

    Yes, Eggplant......Most of those cases of UFOs just happen to be in the vicinity of a U.S. airforce base. When we had our UFOs in the 60s in the Detroit, Michigan area, It happened within a reasonable distance of Selfridge Airforce Base that was N.E. of Detroit

    I think that we are tired of being understood.


    fig ,you mean misunderstood ?

    It's human nature to want to explore our planet and beyond. There have been several alien shows on history channel and H2, Ancient Aliens is a very interesting show... Public awareness is growing as well as the technology to instantly record or take pictures of whatever we desire.

    I have to agree with eggie on this subject, I may even be an alien hybrid?    lol. Just an interesting subject to us who enjoy the unexplained. I have a question on UFO's that was around a few months ago. I also have one or two on "Bigfoot." Maybe we should change the subject to BIGFOOT?


    Yes! BIGFOOT! I was Terribly afraid of THEM when I was little! Now that we can talk we have facinating conversations!

    I like the series on History channel or H2 called,"Finding Bigfoot." Of course they never really find him or her. lol,

    I used to scare my nephew with Bigfoot stories when he was a kid, we laugh about it now.

    because they talk about it all the time on that cable channel that has that show about UFOs and the other cable channel that has that show called " Ancient Aliens "  and b/c  , as  you night owls know, George Noory has guests on his night time   radio show all the time who talk about aliens.And, look at all the movies about it. And now, they're resurrecting the Roswell story about the aliens who crashed there in 1947. The military supposedly picked up their bodies and studied them and stowed them away and kept it a secret.


    In are 51..that is where they took the one from Roswell

    Aliens in my area are commonplace.  Some are bi-lingual and communicate effectively with the "locals". 

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