    how can you see better without wearing glasses or contacts?

    +1  Views: 763 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    Laser eye surgery if it,s suitable, but it,s also expensive.

    you would be able to if you had perfect vision, as far as I know there is little option without laser surgery than wearing glasses or using contacts if your vision is impaired

    "They" make an exercise chart one should be able to follow with their eyes that is supposed to take the eyes to all levels of activity that may help. Don't ask me where to find it, check your bookstore and let us know how it goes, I where THICK glasses............

    Laser eye surgery, it's your best option! But only if you are suitable and if you want it.

    check here some infos about this surgery so you can decide.

    I don't think you will find many ophthalmologists who have had their vision corrected by laser surgery, but there is no harm in asking.

    It seems very good. It seems that you ara a very old man.

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