1 Answer
Press the cable lock release lever on your winch and pull enough of the winch cable off the spool to just reach your snatch block anchor. Consult the manual for your winch to locate the lever and for the appropriate length and diameter of rope to use for the weight you will pull or lift.
Wrap a wire rope around your anchor point (e.g., a tree) or through an eyelet attached to the anchor. If you are using an eyelet, simply pass the wire rope through the eyelet and do not wrap it.
Pass one end of the wire rope from your anchor through the eyelet at the top of your snatch block. Overlap the two ends of the wire rope and connect them with a U-bolt wire clamp. Press the "U" of the clamp against the "dead" end of the wire rope and the nuts of the clamp against the "live" end (the part of the rope that continues on to the anchor). Space three clamps evenly along the length of the dead end. Pull on the snatch block to make sure it pulls toward the winch and remains centered on the anchor without the wire clamps interfering with this position. If they do, take them off and readjust the cable. The snatch block should not be pushed to one side by the clamps hitting the eyelet at the top of the block.
Pull the wire rope from the winch and thread it over the pulley in the snatch block toward the object you are pulling or lifting. Pull enough wire rope through the snatch block to reach the object and allow for the rigging you will use there. Lock the cable release lever. Pull the rope firmly into the pulley channel on the snatch block.
Read more: How to Rig a Snatch Block | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5708835_rig-snatch-block.html#ixzz1n6nK7576
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