    does Barrack Obama understand if we utilize our own natural resources, the price at the pump, and our utility bills will go down to where the 99% can afford them?

    +3  Views: 701 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    15 Answers

    Yes he knows this , but he cannot conform from his ideological beliefs, they seem to be more important than the people he promised to help in 2007.

    Call him and tell him, he won't return my calls.

    When you answer your own question and mark it as the "best answer”  before anyone has presented a view, you are saying that you think you know it all and cannot find anything of value in anything anyone other than you has to say. Rude….don’t do that.

    He doesn't want it to he wants to ruin this country and will if reelected.

    Obama must pander to the left, he depends on them to put him back in office. 22,000 jobs could have been had, lower prices at the pumps, not to mention the ripple effect of hight gas prices could have been avoided if only he would have not listened to the sierra club and other enviroradicals from the left. and signed with Canada on the pipeline. Now it goes to China..  What a dumb thing to do..

    Does Barak Obama understand anything or the entitre us congress at that ?

    He must understand it. However the Enviromentalists are a big voting block for Obama, He is not going to challenge them,especially in an election Year.

    Latest from the left is that they do agree many jobs will be created but they are temporary and they don't count.   I find this very strange as when the Christmas holidays begin, this puts a few hundred thousand part-time workers out there, they immediately place this number against the currently employed and claim it as a victory.   These jobs only last 4 months.   However, temp jobs on keystone do not count.

    Item 2:  Democrats say, Keystone will give americans a false sense of security when it would take over 10 years to realize the benefits and by that time, alternate energy sources will be available and there would be no use for the pipeline.   AlGore said this 20+ years ago, still we are using oil.

    Item 3:  The pipeline would kill wildlife.  How is this possible? if anything, they would make use of it as shelter.  

    The environazi's are totally ruining this great country.  Of course we need control of environmental issues but not to a point of dictatorship.

    He may but only a combination of Republican President, Republican Majority Congress and Senate would be able  to issue the proper legislation to: 1. allow the use of all resources available with minimum negative impact on environment 2. to encourage bulding additional refineries 3. to encourage buiding state of the art safe nuclear plants. The unreasonable environmentalists, wild animal rights activists, notinmybackyardists will not allow this to ever happen unfortunately.




    I'm quite sure a lot of what we see in the news and from political party leaders generally, are lies, distortions designed to incite our attentive awareness and interest for the purpose of gaining your rapt interest and financial favor. After seeing this cascade of crap, all my life, it just makes sense to hang up my "Do Not Disturb" sign and disregard the quest for a knee-jerk-reaction in favor of all things pleasant and enjoyable. 

    The quest for conflict is so strongly imbedded in some folk that any attempt to see any view that does not embody elements of opposition and conflict is seen as self defeated thinking without merit. 


    Very good Robert!

    I think that several of his ideals conflict with each other, and because of it, it appears he's wandering through issues like he's lost and just trying to say what will get him through the moment.

    HE'S said before that he wants the cost of fossil fuels to go up. It's his agenda for prices to be high because he wants to push green energy on us, no matter what the cost.

    Being that we had a warm winter and we've had surplus gas and heating oil, the oil companies decided to export them and sell them on the world market instead of allowing the prices to drop here in the U.S.A..


    ....hurry back.

    He knows that, but he doesn't give a s-----t.   He's got plenty of money . And that's all he cares about.

    Obama does not like American capitalism. He will do what he can to disrupt it.


    Everyone is now programmed to the spin on television and serving their TV master-minds like obediant resellers of mind-altering crap. Facts and opinions are vastly different...facts are real, opinions sold on TV are the adult version of nursery rhymes fabricated to make an emotional responce in the viewing public that links the viewer into a group of responsive sheep to serve the choice of the story-tellers writers.

    I thought fuel was the cheapest in USA,,besides fossil fuels are the currency of the world,,Electric cars and Ethanol,does not stand up beside Fossil Fuel,,( YET )..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

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