    Who whas the last political leader you know of that did things for the people and not the corporations?

    It seems like lobbyists and large corporations are running our countries. Making donations to politicians for favors and what about ear marks. It seems like the people is turning into the cattle. Who was the last leader you actually respected and why?

    +3  Views: 1163 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    19 Answers

    I want to get this to the answering side... In my life time I cant think of one. The first President I remember (myself) is Reagin. And I I believe he was a great president,,, the very last of them.

    I would go back further and say Roosevelt, Truman Eisenhower-- Then to Regan-- After that, corporations took over politics, capitalism in which this country was founded on found a loophole and common sense gave way to greed. Greed gave birth to hate and now we have a country that is splitting apart. Capitalism is a great thing, we ran with it for over 200 years, government intervention is what destroyed it. 


    Happens the world over Vinny.

    How far back can i go, none that i can think of.


    I was thinking during your lifetime, but It doesn't have to be...

    I cannot think of one in my lifetime but i am still young, so there is still hope and i am a pessimist. (or a fool ).


    Honey you aint that young!!!..... LOL!!!!!

    I have just had a hard life (honest)

    Your kidding right? Trueman was President when I was born. A thief has occupied the white house ever since then. I'm fond of Reagan, remember trickle down economics?

    I would have to say Ron Reagan.....

    One of his quotes......

    We don't have a trillion-dollar debt because we haven't taxed enough; we have a trillion-dollar debt because we spend too much.

    I'm going have to agree Ron Regan...

    Two. Reagan and Clinton. The burden of Government fell during Reagan and Clinton Administration by restraining the growth of domestic spending.

    Wow, I guess it doesn't have to be in our lifetime then.... It sure seems like the little people are getting the short end of the stick these days, especially when it comes to rising gas prices. Didn't mean to change the subject, but gas costs are raising the prices on everything and nothings being done about it.


    LEEROY, what is the price per gallon there.

    It's ranging from $3.69 a gallon up to about $4.29 a gallon for regular gas. It's just killing people and it just keeps going up.

    Leroy, do you remember the big oil spill off the coast of Santa Barbara in California in 1969? A few years after that the EPA was created by President Nixon. Ever since then we have problems with the EPA to dig for Oil in California and other places. Opec is producing less oil, not because theire Oil supply is low, but to raise the price of oil. I agree, something has to be done to stop theire price gauging.

    I was still a baby in 69, but an interesting fact Ann. The EPA does many things that just don't make sense unless we know what their real agenda is. It's certainly not usually in our best interests. Opec just wants to make the most money possible, and aren't afraid of the U.S. anymore. I think anything short of people refusing to drive for a few months and going to Washing D.C. or govt. buildings to protest. Not much will change. If we had a pro energy president and congress that would be a start. Good stuff again Ann!!!

    I think I will never see one, also the problem only get worse when you look into state and city governments.

    Ronald Reagan would have to be my pick.

    Harry S Truman

    Can't think of anyone here in my memory, no one has certainly helped those that are incapacitated both physically or psychologically and are unable to work, or more importantly vote, seems no power to vote, no lifestyle

    Gandhi - Mahatma (1869-1948)

    I suppose I'd have to say Regan he was my favorite overall, Bill Clinton surprisingly did somewhat good as well. He actually knew how to work across party lines and get things done, especially as far as the national debt goes.

    Headless Man

    Yes, but he had to work with a Republican Congress.......

    Exactly, he was smarter in that way then this current president. At least things were being accomplished.

    I would of pick JFK. if he would of survive, in any other i pick Ron Regan. Now I don't see anyone that would fit the bill.

    On another thread I said "Australia may not be perfect but it is a darn sight better than most. One only has to read peoples complaints about their country to realise this."



    Thanks PL. You're gonna get a lot of new American immigrants soon. I'm gonna rent a boat, lol.

    Send `em over Leeroy. At least they will be able to talk a "form of English" so we can communicate.
    Please don`t send any of your rejects.

    doo be doo be la la....Abraham Lincoln


    I liked Reagan and Clinton, but like so many aspects of politics it depends on which side of the fenced you are on at the time. I don't think that it's fair to say that a president hasn't helped people because he has taken large sums from corp. This is a system that we as the people put in place and more or less forced the politicians to submit to in order to be successful. If they don't they will never be elected. And as George Will says, "Corp. are made up of people too."  It's our apathy and tolerence, or just plain lazyness that is responsible. Just because a president favors a monied interest in a particular decision doesn't mean he isn't helping people. Possibly, not the people we like.


    Excellent point bb, and a different way to view things. In that view I'd say if a President helps the economy, he helps the people. Regan turned around Carters economy, Clinton reduced the debt. So they both helped the people even indirectly.
    But, if you look at the standard of living verses the record profits of many industries. The corporations, "Piece of the pie" has been getting bigger and bigger. Laws that have been passed to require insurances etc. that favor big business, then the little guy isn't doing so well.

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