    Do you people ever sleep? I'm in and out all day, yes, I jump on the computer fro a few minutes. I come home to check on my son. I can'r sleep at night, so I get back on the computer, you're still there!

    does anyone sleep anymore? I know it's harder for a woman to sleep. Men seem to kill over, they can't seem to survive without it. Well, until I met the men on aka! You guys must sleep with a laptop!

    +4  Views: 592 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    I can't sleep, I have insomnia. Thats why I enjoy this site, someone is always here.......


    I think aka is full of insomniacs! I enjoy it too!

    We're here, we're there we're everywhere don't ya just love it.....

    Over look the spelling mistakes, I'm exhausted!


    Totally understandable.

    We are all just waiting for you to come and brighten up our lives.

    You all brighten mine, I haven't laughed so hard as I did last night. I needed that little ray of sunshine brought into my life. It's the one place I can be myself.
    Who's baby is that your holding? She's a beauty!

    The little beauty is ME the baby is my great grandaughter, thank you for asking.


    You are only laughing because you think i don't look old enough.

    Hahaha, have you ever been so tired you have the sillies, and the giggles? Must be a lack of O2 when your are past tired.
    I know your as old as your hair, and a little older than your teeth! Guess what, Me too!

    sillies and the giggles i hope you not smoking what it sounds like your .smoking lol

    no, this is from being tired! I don't do drugs, I'm very boring that way.

    It just seems that I never sleep, I'm here all of my spare (HA!) time.................


    Me too! You can look at my house and see it too!
    I gotta clean up today!

    Perhaps I should send a picture of me and have you put it by your bed.  It'll make you fall asleep for sure.  I tried and it worked even with me.



    send me one! I'll try it!Hehehe
    Didn't see that coming, did ya?

    All the different time zones help :)


    so true!

    Meditation before bedtime is the only thing that worked for me. Long walk before bedtime also helps. But how can you walk anywhere in the middle of the night anymore.? Its way too dangerous.


    It is here!
    What's funny, Colleen was on at 7am yesterday when I got up. I swear she was still on at 4:30 am! Maybe she faked me out! After 2am, I was a little light headed. Maybe I just thought she was there!

    She's ALWAYS here....lurking...why, here she is now..... 0!0

    Not much...afraid I'll miss something! LOL!

    Caution:  This is a completely automated site. Questions and answers are monitored by Barack Obama.   Avatars represent non-existant people with comments selected randomly by a data base in Alaska run by a guy named Peggy.  Anything you say can and will be used as evidence against you. 

    If this scares you don't worry we are just a bunch of dingbats having fun with you.

    Gald you're  here

    I could not sleep.Because my husband was deceiving me. I'm very sad and I'm crying.

    But I never  my son and my daughter  hear it. RK BBOY


    Put your foot up his butt and call it a day!
    I hope things get better soon. Without trust in a relationship, you have nothing.

    Thank....But......He want freedom. He returned to freedom. Here is that he wants.And this is true.

    ????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? BBoy


    hang in there it only gets better!

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