    whats wrong with my transmission

    it sqeals

    0  Views: 491 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Go to and go into the automotive section. You might find an answer to your question there. I don't recall ever having been around one that did that. Have you kept the transmission fluid level up to where it needs to be?


    yes i have if anything it might evan b a bit over filled i put sea foam additive in it to see if it would help but it wont i have 160 000 clicks on it
    would u think maybe has something to do with my four by four cause it kinda sounds like when ur driving in four low range

    You better check your transfer case then. I just had to replace mine, as it had a crack and leaked everything out and then locked up. It caused my back wheels to lock up, while I was going down the road about 40 miles an hour. I was lucky and had a place to let it skid to the shoulder of the road.

    But, it never squealed before it locked up. My only experience with anything sqealing has always been pumps or belts. Hopefully someone else that might be familiar with your problem will jump in. Wish you luck!


    Your transfer case isn't supposed to be making strange sounds even in low range. So maybe that is why! You have to be careful not to go above a certain speed with low range. The maximum speed with mine in low range is 15 mph.

    I found another site that can help.

    It covers the clutch, fly wheel, it looked good.

    Good Luck!

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