    Talk to nice guy at my gym seems interested but I would like it to go coffee or lunch. Should I approach or wait until he ask me? There is a saying "when in doubt there is no doubt" so mayb I should apply it here. (also I'm female he male)

    +3  Views: 432 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    I don't see any harm in asking if he would like to join you for coffee, I probably wouldn't ask him for lunch first up,but I think a coffee is fine, if he say's no, that's o.k, no harm done

    I think many opportunities are wasted because neither party took the first step. Go for it ... the worst he can say is no.

    Take a chance and ask him for a coffee, your treat.................Can't hurt a thing.........

    It might help if you say you will BUY  him a coffee.

    While chatting, casually ask him if he has time for a coffee.  By the way the saying, as I know it, is NOT "When in doubt, there is no doubt".....but...."When in doubt, DON'T".  Now are you all confused?    :)

    I agree with everybody else. Offering to take him out for coffee would be a good way to begin to get to know him. You might just enjoy yourself, if you two really click. If you don't make the attempt, you'll never know if you let something good get away from you. If he declines because of an ongoing relationship, at least you gave yourself the chance, and it is nothing to feel self conscious of.

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