8 Answers
Thank you PANDA - even though it was yesterday for us hope it was good for you - so much love around I hope. What a great name you have. Last week male panda Yang Guang filled himself with bamboo having lost his appetite before his journey from China to Scotland.
12 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Thanks PANDA, I'm living in N. Phoenix near the 101, thinking about buying a house to remodel and flip after I get done with the condo in Hawaii... I've met some really cool people seems like drugs are a serious problem here kinda like TX. I suppose I'll have to get a place with a pool. The people remind me a lot of the snowbirds in FL, minus the New Yorker's...
12 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Cool Panda, I've been here in AZ for about a month and a half. It's a beautiful state. I will probably want to leave after the first summer because of how hot everyone's telling me it's going to get. But, I'm a CA type guy myself, I still like to surf now and then. Happy Valentines Day Ladies!
12 years ago. Rating: 1 | |