    how do you make silly putty with polymer

    thats all i had to ask. if you know post the answer thank you.

    0  Views: 339 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer


    <iframe id="dpiframe" style="width: 0px; display: none; height: 0px;" src=";" width="0" height="0"></iframe>Pour 2 cups of glue into a bowl or a plastic baggie.

    2Slowly add 1 cup of liquid starch to the glue. A small amount of food coloring may be added, if desired.

    3Stir the mixture until it reaches the desired consistency. If it is too sticky, add a small additional amount of liquid starch. If using a baggie to mix, close the baggie tightly and knead the mixture until it thickens.

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