    what type of food did sacagewea eat

    i have a report due tomorrow and need to know this info asap and no i did not wait tell the last minute its just this info is hard to find

    +1  Views: 726 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Fish Food

    She would have probably eaten the same as everyone else in  her party, along with edible vegetation she found along the way. I say this, as she would have most likely had a working knowledge of what was edible in regards to vegetation. Most likely different berries and roots. After all, she was from a people who were known to be hunters and gatherers. She most likely would have had a knowledge of different ways of fishing and also trapping.


    My mother was a full-blooded indian, and it amazed me as a child in how much she knew of the forests. A lot of knowledge in how to survive in the wild has been lost over time.

    Curry, lentils, naan, mango lassi...?


    Kebabs, fish n chips!

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