    How do I fly without an airplane,helicopter,or a jet?

    +4  Views: 869 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    19 Answers a Superman cape!  Before you jump off the garage roof though, make sure your cape is very secure.  I wouldn't want you to break a leg.


    I tried that when I was 5. Off the garage roof and knocked the wind out off myself. Never tried it again. It was proof that people can not fly, lol

    A friend of mine, once showed me a photograph of himself, age 6 or 7, standing on crutches, leg in a cast, superman cape over his shoulders...on the back was a note written by his mother..."Joe thought he could fly"!
    Now how funny is that!! You too!! LOL!!!!!!

    Hang glide, para sail, or bungee cord jump.


    sky dive / parachute, hot air balloon...

    I'd like to try one of the squirrel suits, it's almost like flying. I think hang gliding or those powered hang gliders would be the most fun though...

    Hot air baloon or nose dive off a tall building

    then you wonder why we give dumb answers. get yourself a set of wings put `em on and while flapping jump off a chair. you should be able to at least land.


    I don't wonder. Like I said, there are those questions that you all can have fun with.

    Unless you're a bird, you can't. 

    Only in your dreams!

    What about those cool jet packs that are experimental? Probably jumping out of a plane with parachute would be like flying.


    Without a parachute would be like flying too...only a lot faster. lol

    why do you ask?

    Practice walking on water first, after you succeed doing that, then take Ducka's suggestion and jump off the garage roof.. If you flap your arms fast enough and hard enough, you should be able to fly, but only after you learn to walk on water first! That's important.


    Ah so there's a sequence? lol

    Stick a firework up your arse then light it.


    DAM ! I'LL NEVER LISTEN TO YOU AGAIN ! I'm in burn room 207, send flowers.

    Blimp, para-sail , hang glider. 


    A blimp used to fly pretty low over a River and we used to jump off boat house roofs trying to catch the tether line. All we did was get wet LOL

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    With ProFlightSimulator, you can learn to fly without ever leaving your home. ... plane to today's state-of-the-art military fighter jets and even medical helicopters.""

    "" My methane powered toilet can fly....wanna try it?


    Ha Ha!!! Nice one!

    A tried and tested method is to make a pair of wings out of feathers and wax. but a word of warning ,dont fly too close to the sun,or you'll end up like old Iky.

    If you continue to seek out ways to fly you might compile a list and see if we can think of a few more. Among the ones I have not tried is whole body transformation into an ash cloud as a result of standing in the light of a nuclear explosion. Of course I am hopeful of saving that one until the sun goes supernova in 3.5billion years.

    Jumping out from a plane without a parachute... It would be one's life last flight.

    Harry Chapin did it in his taxi.....

    Chitty Chitty Bang Bang....Or, if you are verrry nice to me I will allow you to take a flight aboard my Luna Moth!

    You could always make some wings and jump off a cliff.

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