    Everyone knows someone that "just doesn't deal with drama"... all the while are the one being the one bringing the drama to the table...

    Do you learn to live with them or walk away???  Is life better without them or less entertaining? 

    +1  Views: 386 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    Oh! That kind of drama! I think Daisy said it perfectly, better without them.

    2 Answers

    I don,t deal with "drama" as such, but I,m not totally getting your question jenn, please enlighten me a little further....R


    She is asking about people who claim to not like drama or who claim to not like getting involved in drama but are typically the first to bring drama to the table.

    Walk away. Life is too short to waste. They will never change, and you will always be in drama with them, directly or indirectly. They will involve third parties that will be sucked in against you. There is no end to them and their needs for attention and control.

    When this person realizes you have moved on without them, they will try to suck you back it. When this doesn't work. They'll get nasty. They feel rejected and hurt, and they will seek revenge.It takes time and energy to break free from some sick personalities, this is one of them.

    If you think this person isn't capable of causing you harm at home or the work place, think again.When a person is rejected, they change into something you will not recognize.

    Walk away, never go back. The longer you stay the harder the break will be. You are giving this person time to learn your habits, your like, dislikes, your goals,this can get really dangerous. Hopefully this person is a mild irritant, and hasn't reached sicko level yet.

    Good Luck.


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