    what is a sidebuster from the 1800's

    In the olden days of the cowboy there was a person or person's refured to as a sidebuster. What are they, what did they do, and how did they get their name.

    0  Views: 32330 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    The term was "SOD BUSTER" and meant "farmer".  In the urban dictionary of today, "sidebuster" means "busybody".

    I don't have the answer but I know the term is sidebuster. On the Rifleman TV show Lucas was  always referred  to as a sidebuster. He didn't have to do anything and it wasn't a referral to his being a rancher. Someone would look at him without knowing anything about him and call him a sidebuster. I don't know what that means or why they would choose that description of him.

    I think a sidebuster is like a sidekick,or a friend..>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    that's what I thought

    maybe it meant a man's homey ; or maybe it meant a man who was bustin' broncs .

    I believe a sidebuster is someone who interferes in other people's matters. Matters that don't really concern him or her. Someone that buts in other people's business. 

    Do you not mean sod buster=Farmer

    It is not sidebuster it is sod buster ...... a farmer.......a man without cattle is just a regular old sod buster......The rifleman S3 E20 Wyoming Story part 1

    Lucas Mccain didn't like being called a sod buster.

    Sidebuster........a man with a rifle at his side that will bust you........Sidebuster.   

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