    If you are over a certain age, what are you happy you missed that the younger people are doing now. Activities, dress styles etc. Or you do everything they do.

    +9  Views: 646 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    Carrying bottled water around as tho it was a fashion accessory.


    Yes! The H2O vases!

    Theire general attitude.



    Can you imagine? Texting without airbags!

    I'm glad that a sense of pride and work ethic was instilled in most of us BACK IN THE OLD DAYS. Multi-colored hair, peircings, wearing your pants below your genitalia is a generational thing. Hope they take many pictures today. A picture will be worth a thousand words years down the road.


    Please tell me when they are going to pull their pants up! I am so sick of seeing underwear, and sometimes bare butts!
    ed shank

    Some towns have actaully passed laws prohibiting your ass from hanging out. About time.

    How about driving a car my firt car was an AMC rambler, now you see young kids driving in new flashy cars that are nicer than what i got, maybe i'm just jealous..


    You are not the jealous type Daren, you know your values and you live by them.
    Flash cars are a flash in the pan, drive it for a month and nothing flash anymore.

    My first car was a 1965 AMC Ramble, light blue. I loved that car! I traveled all over the US. It went on fumes! I wish I still had it. Great car.

    Job hunting.

    I would not want to be aged between 12 and 25 today.

    The kids are not being allowed to be kids. Get out there and play in the fresh air not in a stuffy room with a computor.

    Teenagers know bugger all and think they know everything, they are over educated (book learning only) but no common sense.

    20s + think the world owes them everything but they owe the world nothing.

    There are exceptions but sadly, not enough.


    You really are wise beyond your years

    You should talk coz.
    You wait until I see you I`ll bloody Methuselah you.
    Read my one on finding someone in the cot with your cheese and kisses.
    Go to my profile and look under answers.

    I am happy that I 'missed out' on wearing my pant waist just above my knees, as a child and teenager and young adult. I enjoyed sprinting against friends too much.

    Oh yeah, I never wore boxer shorts either.


    Me too!

    I ,think the young ones of today are missing out on maths, be at a supermarket when there is a power failure, the check out kids don't know what to do as they are not capable of doing simple arithmetic.


    They do have poor math skills! I was trying to tutor a kid in Algebra, found out she could do basic math.

    The tattoo thing I found repulsive in my youth after having seen how tats drifted into a blurry fog of oddly colored skin with age. My grandmother’s generation were into ear piercing and the only men I knew with earrings were Gypsies and later bikers. Seems like kids are dressed in Gothic-punk, it was hippie in my day thank God. The Gothic-punk and vamping-dead look looks so pained and inverse to talent but they do have some interesting art if they would leave the obsession with skulls somewhere else. Of course these issues are transitional and will likely assimilated into some other phase. It’s all a walk in the park away.  

    The crash will come , thank god I will not be here to see it. I just feel lucky I was born in the 50s.We had nothing ,But we were happy with what we had.I do feel sorry for the youth of today.its not there fault, its the system.When I left school I had a choice of 3 jobs, apprentiships.Today they get a choice of minimum wage or sod all.

    The way kids dress, their lack of compassion and empathy for others. They seem to be clueless on how to earn a living. I don't see kids trying, or have goals. It's all for the moment.

    When I was young there were kids collecting bottles, cans, fishing, working on farms, mowing the lawn,  doing anything to make a dollar for clothes or dating. Now, they walk around the mall or wal mart on dates. What's that? I'd never date a boy who thought walking around Wal Mart was a date.

    Times are hard, but you can make money in this farming community, it's hard labor. I worked on my uncle's farm several summers to earn money for a car. I had a goal, the kids I worked with had goals.

    It seems to be all about drugs and alcohol. I need to move.



    Daisy, I bet you had great parents. Do you not think it has something to do with the parents?,maybe too many young single mothers .It has a knock on effect I think.

    My parents were to stick. My father was retired Navy. He wasn't a daddy. He was military all the way. His favorite saying,"I can't make you do it, but I can make you will you had of!"
    I don't remember any hugs, or kisses. There were not bed time stories. My father made us read a book a week, give and oral report, even in the summer. No excuses.
    Everything was earn, nothing was given. Not even when I was a preschooler.

    Your right, there are to many single mom's. If the dad's cared they'd be in the picture too. My dad would never let me date anything around here. Thank God! He was tough, but I had dreams and goals. I also had standards, and Morals.
    These kids are reckless and aimless.

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