    How do slumps form?

    +3  Views: 900 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

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    Very curious question, mk. Last time I saw a "slump" it was right outside the icecream store. It was green and melting ... and unfortunately drawing flies. Right before it fell it was round and formed and lovely. I believe it was Mint. Does that answer your question? 


    Funny, Mint ice cream lol


    I think you meant slums. A lot of like minded grubby individuals with no pride in themselves live in the one area.

     If you did mean "Slumps" then it is caused when for financial or reasons of consumer demand a business, include a country, loses its` marketability and goes into a slump.

    A downward trend.


    Oh. Oh my. I think it was “slums” Thanks PL.

    Slump (geology)

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    For other uses, see Slump (disambiguation).

    The slump that destroyed Thistle, Utah, by creating an earthen dam that flooded the area

    A slump is a form of mass wasting that occurs when a coherent mass of loosely consolidated materials or rock layers moves a short distance down a slope.[1] Movement is characterized by sliding along a concave-upward or planar surface. Causes of slumping include earthquake shocks, thorough wetting, freezing and thawing, undercutting, and loading of a slope.

    Translational slumps occur when a detached landmass moves along a planar surface.[2] Common planar surfaces of failure include joints or bedding planes, especially where a permeable layer overrides an impermeable surface. Block slumps are a type of translational slump in which one or more related block units move downslope as a relatively coherent mass.

    Rotational slumps occur when a slump block, composed of sediment or rock, slides along a concave-upward slip surface with rotation about an axis parallel to the slope.[3] Rotational movement causes the original surface of the block to become less steep, and the top of the slump is rotated backward. This results in internal deformation of the moving mass consisting chiefly of overturned folds called sheath folds.

    Slumps have several characteristic features. The cut which forms as the landmass breaks away from the slope is called the scarp and is often cliff-like and concave. In rotational slumps, the main slump block often breaks into a series of secondary slumps and associated scarps to form stair-step pattern of displaced blocks.[4] The upper surface of the blocks are rotated backwards, forming depressions which may accumulate water to create ponds or swampy areas. The surface of the detached mass often remains relatively undisturbed, especially at the top. However, hummocky ridges may form near the toe of the slump. Addition of water and loss of sediment cohesion at the toe may transform slumping material into an earthflow. Transverse cracks at the head scarp drain water, possibly killing vegetation. Transverse ridges, transverse cracks and radial cracks form in displaced material on the foot of the slump.

    Slumps frequently form due to removal of a slope base, either from natural or manmade processes. Stream or wave erosion  JUST in Case You meant SLUMPS this is the second answer

    The origin of the word slum is thought to be the Irish phrase 'S lom é (pron. s'lum ae) meaning "it is a bleak or destitute place."[11] An 1812 English dictionary defined slum to mean "a room". By the 1920s it had become a common slang expression in England, meaning either various taverns and eating houses, "loose talk" or gypsy language, or a room with "low going-ons". In Life in London Pierce Egan used the word in the context of the "back slums" of Holy Lane or St Giles. A footnote defined slum to mean "low, unfrequent parts of the town". Charles Dickens used the word slum in a similar way in 1840, writing "I mean to take a great, London, back-slum kind walk tonight". Slum began to be used to describe bad housing soon after and was used as alternative expression for rookeries.[12] In 1850 Cardinal Wiseman described the area known as Devil's Acre in Westminster, London as follows:

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