    if a girl ask a guy to go for a coffee or any edible fast food together, who is ideal to pay for the bills?

    +2  Views: 540 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    I was brought up That Man" Pays open doors all ways walk the outside near pavement to protect.The "Woman from traffic .Old habits Die hard.  


    My old Mum taught me the lot, shame it hardly exists anymore...R

    It is always polite to offer to pay if you have the money.... Dont be offended if she wants to pay. Always be willing to pay for your own.... 

    I would think whoever does the asking should pick up the tab..maybe  the invitee should get the tip..

    Good answers Daren and Jenn. I just wish someone would ask me! lol

    I would say each would pay if the girl ask, if the boy ask the girl then he should pay for both.

    Thats how equal rights

    Sex equality 100%,100% of the time, pay the bill, open the door, supply transport,

    Dont you just love sex equality girls?.



    Where have you been? It's been Dutch since about the 80's unless the man chooses to pay and the woman agrees to have him pay 100%

    I have never been to Holland so don't know about this Dutch thing.
    Seriously Colleen i was dragged up to think if a guy is out with a girl HE pays, and i still find it hard to let the woman pay, but i am getting there.

    We have dutch treat here in the USA. ;) Unless the woman is offended by you paying all the time, then do as you like. :)

    Anyone who initiates the date by asking should expect to pay 100%. It would be polite but not necessarily for the other person to offer to pay 1/2. This should be a getting to know you date for both parties. In this instance then it should be 50/50 unless it is agreed before hand the asker pays 100%.

    Tell her you are broke and cannot afford the date.  If she offers to pick up the tab, so be it.....

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