    how to quit ciggrete

    0  Views: 622 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    YOu have to "Want to stop .Mind over matter my brother was a heavy smoker .Just stopped bit hard first Week alright after that .

    Patches can cause atrial fib. Read the label. I quit for about a month and could not make the headaches go away. Took a few drags, instantly no headaches. I smoke about five a day now, which compared to nearly three packs a day is an improvement. I love smoking.

    Try the nicotine patches. In some locals there is an 800 number where they will give them to you free of charge.

    I have not smoked,nicotine patches help the craving. I eat too many sweet things.

    There is a lot of help for this that I should follow - I am sure you are aware of, BUT there is an electronic cigarette the best of which is called ROK - on internet. Only nicotine but none of all the carcinogens but as dowsa said best to want to stop and set yourself a date.

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