14 Answers
This is a great question Bulletman, I struggle with the answer. One one hand I love animals, and on the other if it really can save possibly several thousands of people from suffering or death. I'd have to say test them humanely. I understand many won't agree with this answer, but I have to be honest here.
12 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
@Tommy That makes it a little easier to handle, still a tough question.
Thumbs up from me Leeroy,A lot of us here enjoy a good steak, fortunitly the majority of us here will never see a cow suffer so that we may indulge..
And so it should cause outrage.There must be a better way.
12 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
In a government sanctioned program in the 1950 children and adult prisoners were subjected to “experiments” that produced a daily harvest of human bodies for autopsy studies. In the 1930s and on the national eugenics program sponsored forced sterilization on over 300,000 persons in the US often for no more reason than that they were illiterate, of mixed ancestry, black or native American. There is always a reason to kill someone, experiment on some one or something. Chimps are used by companies and Universities rather than going after human ginny pigs if they are funded to do so. They could go to any third world country to try it on the populations there selling hair tonic with DDT for a little bribe. There’s lots of horrible things that happen every day. I’m glad it isn’t being tested on school children.
12 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Well you know what I am going to say NO testing on animals why should they be subjected to grusome trials for our benefit we dont desearve to be saved ....
12 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Absolutely not. Most countries around the world no longer permit harmful research on Chimps.
1300 chimps live in laboraries around the US. In the 8os Chimps very activly subjected for study of HIV and AIDS. They were found to be different from humans. When injected with the Virus, they never developed HIV or AIDS. 70 % of drugs that have been tested on Chimps are harmful to a human fetus.
Chimps infected with Hepatits B or C will not become sick , but humans will.
In july 2005 Hepatitis C researchers reported a technology to grow the virus entirely in cell culture. The vaccine for this disease is now made entirely from bacterial culture.
Using human volunteers with a specific illness in clinical trials are more accurate and humane alternatives to testing drugs in animals like chimps.
The genomic revolution has given scientists unpararelled tools for engeneering "personalized medicine" Knowing the correlations between human disease and specific genes could allow doctors to prescribe the right drug at the right dose for the right person, based on unique variations in theire DNA, not on the DNA of a chimp, dogs and cats, or even a mouse.
I personally find this practice of testing on mice, cats and dogs and chimps inhumane and cruel. Chimps were released from laboratory testing for 10 years, because of controversy over DNA in Chimps not beeng like human DNA and the cruelty to these animals, where most of them spent 40 years in cages and beeing subjected to daily testing.
For some reason our government is allowing these inhume practises again. Please call your congressman and tell him we can not allow such inhumane practices to exist.
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
I agree., with our advanced society and knowledge base you would think there would be an alternate to this barbaric practice, I know it's relatively insignificant but I only purchase products (such as shampoo etc) that state they have not been tested on animals, I feel better about risking an allergic reaction than know some poor animal may have been blinded in the process
12 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Medical research uses humans all the time for experimenting. We eat animals - If an animal can be sacrificed to save human lives then I say yes.. Maybe it would be better if we took all the hardened criminals we have on the streets, round them up and expierament on them?? I'll go for that too..
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Bullet what right thinking Australian big bronze Anzac would lower himself to watching "Sunrise" the TV show.
Mate you just fell through the bottom of the bucket of desperate people.
Lonely women and people strapped in a wheel chair are the only ones that should watch "Sunrise" what a heap of drivvel. Wipe the corners of your mouth for goodness sake.
Neaxt you will be telling me you read Womans day and all the other waste of good forrest timber magazines.
Please tell me it was a once off and you were to sick to press the remote.
12 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
God help us a man watching Sunrise for crying out loud.
Those who are among the outraged should obligate themselves to become an instrument to find a less outrageous means to attain the desired goal. ie relief of human suffering and prolonged comforable living. If you are serious in a belief to the point of outrage then your only recourse is to do something about it.
Outrage is the bump in the road to the desired goal herein. Do something about the bump and become a hero, or don't do something, remain outraged and be seen as a talking parrot for the amusement of those who don't give a hoot.
Until something replaces this kind of testing I can only unwillingly accept it.
12 years ago. Rating: 3 | |