    can you take finches out of there cage?

    +3  Views: 772 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Of course you can. Getting them back into the cage is the problem..........

    Check out,              www.cfhs,ca/athame/finches

    I would not recommend this. No matter how tame they are and no matter how much you clip their wings, they can still fly and being so tiny, one bump into anything can kill or seriously injure them. 

    I wouldnt dare do this! look at Colleen answer and she has lots of birds and knows more about birds than the experts!

    I had a customer who actually trained them first. He trained both parents and then it was much easier to train their son's and daughter's. It was amazing, I never knew you could train finches. They actually flew and followed him around the house landing on his head and shoulders.

    If it were me I'd read up on it, but I know they are trainable. You would probably have to get their wings clipped, until they were completely trained. Even then I've had trained birds head for the trees before. It's just in their nature to want to be free.



    And so they should be Leeroy.
    Not in favour of caged birds, how would the owners like to be caged.
    No good of saying they were cage born that would be like saying your parents were caged so all their offspring likewise should be.

    I had an African Grey that we kept caged during the night, but it was just to keep the cats ears safe, lol. I built him a playpen and put it on top where he spent most of the day, minus eating, drinking and bird napping. I believe he felt safer inside at night.

    So what's your suggestion for birds in pet stores PL? Should we leave them there? You can not stop bird breeders. You can only hope responsible people buy the birds. You've seen the set up for my birds. Those cages can roll out to my back porch so they can be outside when the weather is nice. They get flight time in the house and when they are not outside their cages, they can fly in their cages. This is the best I can give them without setting them free. They would never survive in the wild.

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