    Camera Canon Powershot SX20 IS Lense Error. How to fix it

    Since new, this camera has been gatting this error. Start the camera, the lens extends and it will shut down with the lense in the extended position and the error message saying "lense error, restart camera", with the image upside down.

    I have been using the previously obtained advice from "ask a question" for the past 2 years but this time it does not work.

    What do you you advise me to do


    0  Views: 1804 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    A lens error was detected. Press the power button to turn the camera off and back on (p. 42 of your user guide). If this error message continues to appear, contact your Canon Customer Support Help Desk as there may be a problem with the lens. • This error can occur if you hold the lens while video is being recorded. Check image in Playback mode. • If this error code reappears, note the number and contact your Canon Customer Support Help Desk as there may be a problem with the camera.


    Thank you for the response. I found thta the problem is caused by humidity. I noticed that if the lense is fogged up i.e. going from an air conditioned room outside when it is hot and humid. The camera actually turns off with six beeps in quick succession when the problem happens. Pressing the playback button will just turn the camera on but within a few seconds the Canon logo appears with the same error message following it and the unit will turn off on its own. So thank you for your kind assistance however the best advice may be contacting Cannon's help desk and if they recommend a repair maybe it is time for the SX40. ??? Thank you

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