    Facebook's Artist: A man was assigned to work on some artistic graffiti for FB and had an option of either take a few thousand $$ or some share of FB. The man thought FB model was a joke but took the share any way. When FB went public, his share was worth.......

    Over $200 Million.  What a wise investment.  Congratulations to him.

    +1  Views: 991 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    I commented yesterday on my cousin who was one of the original founders of EA, If you,ve got the brains you take the cash.

    Is he going to share it with us at aka QA?

    2 Answers

    "The artist's share is the approximate amount of value of his shares if he were to sell at the launch of the stock?"

    I know a company going pubic will normally get permission from the SEC to sell more shares than it plans to issue, so they need not apply to the SEC when or if it choses to sell more shares, but I still can not understand what shares he could have prior to the IPO, if he was not one of the partners of the company before the IPO.

    I bought out my financial partner a few years after I started my business and ten years BEFORE I expanded the business into five more state.

    Before I sold my now wholly owned company I went public.  I did so that my four brothers and sisters as will as my children, grand children and great grand children would get their portion of the millions I got for selling my company and I would escape the 52% Federal death and Inheritance tax as well as the various state Estate and Inheritance taxes, in the six states in which I operated my business, had I sold it before stocks were issue.



    Yes, the amount was an approximate amount. I don't think he'd mind $200 million, give or take $25 million. Like yours, I am sure his children and grandchildren will be in great financial shape.

    Congratulations to you and your family, Jack!

    Really?  How did he get a "Share" in a private company, BEFORE there were any shares created by the IPO?



    Very good question. The company has filed for IPO on the stock and many experts think the company is worth nearly $100 billion. Two things to consider: firstly, the shares available to the public are a very small amount of the company (called the "float"), and the artist's share is the approximate amount of value of his shares if he were to sell at the launch of the stock. Sorry about the confusion and you brought up a good point.

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