    Is the dentist covered by Medicaid?

    0  Views: 639 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    All individuals under 21 who are on Medicaid have their dental services covered. Individuals over 21 can access varying levels of coverage, depending on the policies in their state. Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Caroline, Tennessee, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming provide care primarily in emergency situations. Some of these states cover emergency dental surgery, while others only cover basic critical care.

    Residents of California, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Washington can access more extended dental services. Each state on this list has some specific restrictions, such as the number of visits in a year, or a copay requirement, but these states generally offer preventative care, such as regular dental exams and cleanings. Some states exclude emergency care, under the argument that dental emergencies should not occur with routine maintenance.

    Specific details about the dental plan offered under a state's Medicaid plan can be obtained from social workers. As a general rule, patients must use a dentist who has been approved as a provider, and he or she may be expected to obtain a referral from another provider for specialty services such as dentures and orthodontic gear. A list of Medicaid-approved dentists can usually be obtained from the agency which handles Medicaid applications and claims, and it is a good idea to enroll early with a dental provider, since some dentists limit the number of new Medicaid patients they will accept in a year.

    they dont cover any kind of dental or eye glasses here. i think you can get a test if your diabetic, but that does not cover the seeing part. they dont help with hearing aids either. your meds mostly have to be generic, which is fine for me. but they will pay for sex related products. if you ask me, thats shameful when they will pay for that stuff but wont buy me a pair of glasses.

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