    akaQA's 1st Anniversary: Do you remember one of the first memorable questions at akaQA and how it convinced you to keep coming back?

    Or if you prefer, a memorable answer.

    +13  Views: 1614 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    17 Answers

    That little tag in the upper right corner of my search line just kept popping up, like a worm on a hook. Finally I took the bait.  I certainly DO remember my first question and why I asked it. I believe Jenn gave the answer that struck me as what was right in the circumstance. 
    Nonetheless, after I asked my question, I started poking around, and here I am, when I should be folding clothes and pruning rosebushes.  :D 


    I am glad you've stuck around, Bob/PKB. You have certainly brought sensitivity and class to this institution. I have always enjoyed reading both your questions and answers.

    Thank you, Chiangmai. I have so much respect and regard for you! YOU have class!! :D

    Need a room? LOL!! Oops, was that classless? Oh well, I guess it's the grapevine chatter from the "posse" lol

    Yes I remember my first Question on this site I saw it by accident I was writting a breif for a cliant and I wanted to know what a Curtain hanger ws called by trade I had loads of answers not the correct one I might add but they were so funnie and thats how I came back on site as I had put in that I wanted to notified by email so thats my story


    and you are sticking to it tell the truth you were sent to jail mugging an old man for his little kittens and mugged "Me for your Taxi fare.

    Ah dowsa you have caught me out! I just cant resist a kitten couldnt help myselve!and dowsa I didnt know it was you! really you look soooo young I thought it was a young guy! chqs in the post!(one of the most lies used in credit control) oxoxooxooxoxoxoxooxoxoxo

    I don't remember my first question. i was taken back at having - minus  45 the first night, i think i upset a few Americans with my answers, looking back  i properly deserved it, it still sucked me in.


    I'm gonna check on that! Started with -45 now pushing 100k. I've always loved your stuff!

    B.M.! I wasn't a mod then, I would have kicked their butts for you! LOL

    Colleen, if i remember i was very, very sarcastic, the members certainly revise my thinking, i'm only a 'little' sarcastic now . i don't know what it is. i have to do other requirements on the net, in between i can't help going back into Aka. -- i'm Addicted :) lol.

    Remembering child hood days .Was the question I liked ,and the answers .You see I am a dreamer always have been ,in School days Teacher went crazy at times but Fishing playing Football with my friends .Mum and Dad taking me on trips seeing the Big liners sailing down the river Clyde.sun always shinning birds singing walk up the hills see the wild "Deer "and Rabbits being chased by the "Hares".( I knew about the Birds and Bee"s ) Nature is a great lesson in life.


    Just like to say well done for all your interesting and humor rich postings, they are appreciated by at least one member here! Well done.

    I agree with west-bus, not to mention guts at times. :)

    and I agree with west-bus and Chiangmai

    Thank you Westbus .It is all true love to go back for one "Hour"

    Chiangmai.Big thanks lucky me to have a great life so simple (I am talking about life )Hee "GUTS" .Is that being "Honest" I detest Bible thumpers I respect all religions .Hope they do the same .

    IS THAT YOU. I mean ME.Well not "M! but YOU!.HI thank you very much I talk to my wife about our "Child Hood Days" the things we done ,we have a good laugh and cry .IT takes a man to "cry" and Die for his love ones .

    10 months ago.

    Rolling akaQA back

    Dear akaQA members,

    As you may have noticed earlier today we rolled out the new akaQA interface.
    After a few hours of running it and getting feedbacks from several community members, we've decided to roll back to the good old version and do some more internal work on the new layout.
    We hope to have it live within a few days, once we tweak things up a little.

    In the meanwhile, if you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact us through the contact link at the bottom of the page.

    We're sorry for the interuption and will continue to work hard to get you the best Q&A platform possible.

    The akaQA team. 



    I’m always so impressed when someone says “interface” I have no clue what it means and I have no knowledge of a break in service.
    west-bus, are YOU a contact person?

    itsmee. In this case I would liken it to a dashboard of a car where all the controls, switches, dials, speedo, indicators etc, are all neatly laid out on a main panel for ease of operation.
    In addition to hardware and software interfaces, a computing interface may refer to the means of communication between the computer and the user by means of peripheral devices such as a monitor or a keyboard, an interface with the Internet via Internet Protocol, and any other point of communication involving a computer. (Wikipedia)

    @ itsmee, west-bus is just copy and pasting old forum news,, he is not a contact person at akaQA ;)

    “just copying and pasting” Thanks west-bus. I wouldn't have a clue how to paste it, when to cut it, where to cut it or what to paste it on to. Your answer made my eyes spin -->@@ I read it twice too. Maybe that was wikipedia speaking.

    I remember my first question and I believe it was....oh, I don't remember but, poking around, I found something I could answer and I got stuck.............


    Stuck is like a tile grouted on to the floor. You are like pillar now.

    My grandaughter  was circling my round table  singing & knocking down chairs as she went. I felt I couldn’t ask anybody in my family how to solve the problem. I felt strongly that I should be able to take care of it myself.  I didn’t want to ‘TELL” on her.  I don’t remember what you all said but the problem was solved.  : )   And that’s where I got stuck.


    One hundred thousand congratulations to you from me for reaching the magic ton, I am pleased for you.

    Thank you west-bus. I was deleriously happy. Got a lot of well wishes too.

    New photo Itsmee? I swear you get more georgous everyday!

    I like your new picture!

    Itsmee- what a great photo! How nice to see your beautiful face!

    Tommy, Ducka, Doo I do thank you & I’m smiling.

    Did you ever take my advice and turn the chairs over before she go there for the next visit?

    It was either: Why is the sky blue? or Is Justin Bieber gay? LOL

    I actually don't remember the question or answers that first got me interested in this site, but, I think seeing the guy holding his head in his hands was the attention grabber. ( Hi Randy)


    I asked a question that I thought was sensible about where to find a switch on a certain vehicle.I got an answer from someone who is no longer around which was quite derogatory. I sent back a mouthful of derision to him.I don't know why I came back.I think it was because I perused the questions & found a couple I could answer.


    I am glad I wasn't that guy, Tommyh. I am even more glad you're here today.

    The question was, "Is homosexuality a sin", I kept coming back to argue the ignorance being posted.  To this day, people still do not know the difference between abomination (not a sin) and sin. 


    What would be an abomination? I think those two are confusing. btw, homosexuality is NOT a sin. Just saying.

    Abomination is or was moral code for the era. A list of societal codes for the people. Abomination was the do's and don'ts covering health, cleanliness, societal standings, family, children, foods, sexual habits, hair, clothing, crops, animals, medicine, a general guide line for healthy, clean living without doing harm to others. Breaking a moral code did not send a Soul to hell, jail maybe but not hell. Breaking a moral code back then was much the same as breaking the societal laws of today that can put you in jail. Breaking a moral code was an offence to mankind. Sinning is an offence against God and (supposedly) can send one to hell.

    Thanks Colleen.

    You're welcome. Hope it helps :)

    I saw the blue button on top of my page and it said "Ask a Question" My first Question was "Does anyone have Tinnitus? I did get some very helpful answers. That was in April of 2011 and I am still here.


    Ann, Do you still have Tinnitus?

    No, I dont have Tinnitus, but a friend of mine does.

    Two questions stood out for me:  one was a question I asked shortly after Osama Bin Laden was killed, and my God, did I ever open a can of worms; and a silly question as to whether or not  anybody ever succeeded in in putting back some toothpaste that had been squeezed out, and I received a ton of answers for a seemingly pointless question.  Nonetheless, I became quite addicted to and involved with this site albeit having quite a bit of Moderator angst.

    country bumpkin

    I remember the toothpaste question.

    Shall we start a toothpaste thread again? There’s more people here.

    Those questions were before my time, and I will admit right here and now that I have gotten toothpaste back into the tube...didn't spend a lot of time on the project, but waste not, want not. :D

    I could get it back in with a toothpick.

    What convinced me to come back was how quickly you received feedback from others.  Then how people talked, disagreed, agreed, were funny. were sad, were happy, were pushy but still interacted, which to me is amazing, and not too many divorces because of what you said, on this site.  Plus its fun seeing how people are doing on karma points, even me.


    To tell the truth, I still don’t understand Karma Points. I’m here to learn. : )

    And you have provided hours of fun with your questions and thoughtful answers!

    You too, Bob. : ))

    I think I answered everyone of your questions the first night you showed up, lol You sure kept me busy! :D

    A question of when Easter was on the 2011 calendar. It intrigued me. I'm not particulary savvy with the computer but for an 'ol lady I try my best. I like the different answers and opinions that everyone gives and it just makes me laugh at times. Really good medicine some days. Thanks everybody!


    Really glad you’re here. Come more often if you can. : )

    Yeah, witchway, what its mee said...Ditto

    A witch knows all the best natural medicines too ;)

    I have  read some of the answers and everyone knows I am Blond well now I dont understand the question er whats going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    hahahaha, blondes are fun!! Basically, do you remember the first question that caught you and caused you to come back to akaQA? xoxo

    Ah Colleen Duh duh no! I cant remember but now I will have to cheat and go back and look at my first answer! LOL

    Indeed ,  i remember the first question it was "how do i log on to face book?


    I think that was mine.

    Wow how quick a year goes by...!!

    It goes so fast it scares me ... Really.

    I asked a Question What do they call a curtain who hangs curtains !!! I got some very funny Answers like Curtain Hooker! Ect and I think thats what made me come back as the Answers were tounge and cheek! I dont know the first Answer I had ansswered! will have to look for that!

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