    what should I wear at a fitness center ?

    I signed up for one three days ago, and I haven't been there yet, b/c I don't know what to wear, and I don't have the exercise clothes anyway. I didn't take a tour of the place when I signed on the dotted line, b/c I had to go to a meeting. That's why I don't know what the women wear for exercise classes and yoga and using the treadmill, etc.  Should I wear tank tops or short sleeved T- shirt type tops ? Should i wear tight, stretchy pants or black leotards or what ? Or should I wear sweat pants and sweat shirt?  I don't want to look out of place, or clueless. Please answer ASAP, b/c I want to go there tomorrow ( on 2-3-12 )

    +1  Views: 936 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    P.S. .....something that's appropriate for an older woman with a belly bulge. Hee hee.

    6 Answers

    Proper gym attire should really a no-brainer, or one would think. When coming to exercise at a gym, some sort of athletic garb is most appropriate; running shoes, shorts and a t-shirt is an ensemble that always works well, and doesn’t attract too much attention or ridicule.

    Here is a brief list of things that should and should not be worn at the gym (all of these items I have personally witnessed over the years).

    Lower body:

    What to wear: Shorts are a very obvious and comfortable choice, one that I stick to exclusively. Some people prefer to wear longer pants (i.e. track pants, or the uber-popular black athletic pants for females - a la LuLu Lemon style).

    What not to wear:

    - Jeans: not the most giving fabric. Certain exercises, such as squats or lunges may be particularly difficult to execute. Also, just in case this wasn’t abundantly obvious, combining low-rise jeans with an exposed thong string is a sure-fire way to get much (well-deserved) ridicule. (Yes I have actually seen this).

    - Short-shorts: when it is the tight Spandex type shorts popular among female volleyball players, it may draw some attention from the men. If you are a female and you don’t mind male attention, or you feel that it spices up your workouts – go for it! Then again, a gym can be a bit of a meat-market so if often doesn’t matter what you wear – people will stare at you. On the other hand, if you are a male, wearing short shorts that are loose, combined with a lack of underwear, is NOT the right attire for many exercises – lunges, deadlifts, squats come to mind. In this instance, the row machine is a particularly poor choice. (I have witnessed this first hand back in highschool when a teacher did this very thing on a rowing machine and exposed himself to all the students).

    Upper Body:

    What to wear: T-shirts are the way to go, especially if they are made from a dry-fit or moisture wicking material that will keep you nice and dry despite sweating. Some people prefer cut off sleeves (I’m included in this category) or basketball jerseys, and many females wear athletic tank tops – all are fair game.

    What not to wear:

    - Layered shirts: some males feel inadequately buff and thus decide to layer their clothing to appear bigger. This really can’t be too comfortable, and unfortunately everyone can see you have 5 t-shirts on.

    - Sports bras ONLY (i.e. without a t-shirt or tank top over it): Now I know many males will disagree with me on this one, but if you are a female and you’d rather not get gawked at my all the guys around you, this would also be a poor choice. On the other hand, if you are at the gym to find love rather than actually work out – best of luck to you! (BTW – the last time I saw a female wearing a sports bra, it was part of the low-rise jeans, exposed thong ensemble – no joke!)

    - Dress shirts: there is a time and place for a crisp buttoned shirt – like a job interview. Alas, the gym is not that place. Hope this helps mycatsmom x


    Hahahahaha...nothing like a co-ed gym to see some "real sights" is there? ...usually by those who are there to do anything but exercise. :) Thanks mel, for the funny write-up.

    Ducky when I saw it on the net couldnt resist posting it I also thought it was funny thanks Duck oxoxox

    Thank you , Mel , for a complete and sensible answer without the redicule. It helped. :-) God Bless you.
    Juliana AKA Julie

    Mel, the men won't be gawking at me, but they did when I was in my 20s and 30s :-)

    @mycatsmom I am glad you enjoyed the write up I must admit when I saw it and read it! I couldnt resist in putting up! I bet they still look at you, and you go for it Julie I know I use to go and will take it up again when I get time the gym I use is body building gym no posers there oxoxox

    Call them up; they might have a dress code. Even if they don't, tell them the circumstances and ask what the women wear. Is it co-ed? If so, do you want to look attractive to the males? So many questions.

    Oh my goodness...stressing over what to wear to do some exercise...grab a short-sleeved t-shirt and a pair of shorts or track pants and get going! Sorry but this just seems silly to me. The purpose of exercise is to benefit your health.  The purpose of looking good while you exercise is.........??

    I would suggest loose sweat pants as well a a loose sweat shirt , perhaps when you get more comfortable you can dress  more appriotely..

    My but you do have problems!  What to wear? Are you going to be social or to workout? You decide on your attire!!

    Check with them

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