    How does Vegemite taste?

    I never even heard of it before now.

    +2  Views: 1255 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    14 Answers

    Well Ed......Take it from an Aussie, you either love the stuff or you hate it.I can guarantee it is in most peoples cupboards in  Australia, some like to put it on thier toast thick which i can't do as it has a bitter and a tangy flavour, others might describe it differently.Having said that, I do like it and it has a good source of vitamin B.""


    So true PL, it is better than taking a VB tablet.
    The taste is sort of tangy, bittery, however if you spread some on a salada, with butter/marge of course, not too much though. Then you can sqeeze it through the holes on the salada....yummy.

    Yes, i remember doing that as a kid with vita wheat biscuits.

    Thank you...

    When I looked at it spread on some toast on the web, I thought it looked like a pale plum jam and thought it might taste something like that. However going to stay with honey for toast at least for now hehehe.

    Absolutely delicious on crumpets. (thick)

    I think it tastes like slimy salty raw cabbage, vile, but some people love the stuff.


    Eeewwww...gonna run out and get me some of that!

    I like salt too but my high blood pressure doesn't. :)

    Oh do you have feathers too?

    How dare you insult our national spread ROMOS.
    Haggis tastes like offal in a sheeps stomach, but do I poke s--t at it no, shame,, shame shame,I disown you as my cousin go dance a fling and repent your sins to :Lochie:

    How dare you insult our vegemite.

    Like Ed, I had never heard of it either, until here on aka. I read that it is (or can be) very salty.  Is that true?


    To me it is,and I like salt.

    Same here,we have so much in

    It is salty.You spread it thinly.

    No, Tom, spread it thick, you want to be able to taste it. lol. It is highy salted that why some goody two shoes want the recipe changed for children, 3 generations have grown up on the stuff.

    Oh can't stand it.


    Some people never get class Sunny.

    It makes a great drink.If you put a big teaspoon full into a cup of boiling water.Kinda like Bonox.(If you know what that is)


    Would Bonox be the same as Oxo? I liked Oxo, as a kid.

    Pretty much the same thing.

    Well whatever, I think it's good stuff.

    thats all



    I like Marmite but hate the Vegi, odd eh??

    Romos, that's understandable, Marmite is a vegetable extract and Vegemite is a concentrated Yeast extract thus two entirely different flavours,

    If it's anthing like Marmite you either love it or hate it . Me , I think it tastes worse tham Poop.


    You've tried poop? eeewwwwwww...

    Unfortunately yes Pig poop by accident nearly as bad as Marmite

    Its also good as a stock for soups and casseroles, and when melted it takes on a different taste.


    That’s cool, you know comfort food comes in all shapes and forums and it usually the stuff that we had as children that we like the most, for me it is scrapple but most people hate the stuff but I love it.

    We visited down under and saw some family,  they took great delight in making us eat Vegemite.  I thought that it was a by-product of brewing industry, someone just said beef?  which is it?  Anyway, I ate some, thin on toast.  Would I run out and get some, not quite.  My daughter teaches, and when they do unit on Australian culture, she gets some, sends home a release to be signed before she gives it to kids, few like it.  So, as someone has said, we like what we had as kids.  Not all like "hot weiners", "clam cakes", "coffee milk", or "Dels frozen lemonade" , all of which we are weaned on here in little RI. 

    It is virtualy the national spread of Australia and was developed in the early 1920s.

    Sadly the Kraft Food Company who manufacture it are now owned by US interests.

    Vegemite is black in colour and is quite salty to the taste but non the less I would say you will find a jar in every Australian home.

    I like it on toast or on fresh, fresh bread yes two freshes as it has to be fresh. I spread a good layer of butter then I mix the vegemite through the butter yum.

    It is a beef extract and high in B1, niacin and riboflavin, all good stuff.


    Sounds like it's good for you, but not for me. I can't stand Marmite either.

    ""This is what I think of marmite...ugh...sickening poofta sweet taste. It's something that only they would like. Vegemite is a man's food, salty, beefy...etc. too many words to describe it.

    Bulletman recommends Vegemite.    Iron man's food.""Happy OZ day is every day.

    Really good question Ed, I always wondered that myself... Thumbs up.

    I've been hearing about it since the eighties, thanks to the popular song, but have never had the opportunity to try it myself...

    Vegemite is a wimpish Aussie imitation of Marmite, only fit for poofters and pansies. Real men eat Marmite, food for heroes and gods.


    You should know

    Only real men can eat Vegemite. Only real women eat Marmite, ask Mel.

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