    I have a son who was on drugs, etc, he stole a entire checkbook from the bottom,and we did not catch it early, he also stole the mail, my husband blamed me, etc. we separtated for awhile, found out the son cased checks at the local grocery store every single day, they knew who he was, they knew us, but they continues to do this, he even had the nerve to go to the bank and they even cashed it for him. they have the same first and last name, but not the middle, he is not a JR. what can I do, he di

    I wanted to keep it simple, and to the point. this same son, is in prison now, he stole money and jewlry from me, to the point, I lost a lot. he just stole from everyone. but the people who owned the store, knew us for more than twenty years at the time this was going on. Thet also knew who his father ws. The bank had our names on file, they never look up at his face, or didn't care.

    +1  Views: 451 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Contact a lawyer to see if you have any recourse against the store or bank.

    If he's over 18, tell him to move out. Tell him you won't give him anymore money or bail him out of jail. A little of that goes a long way. AFter he lives away from home for awhile and if you don't keep giving him money, he'll see that you mean business. And he might stop the drugs and stealing, so he can move back in.


    He's in prison. No need to tell him to move out. They were not giving him money, he was stealing it.

    Maybe he didn't get the help he needed before all this happened.

    There is so much "help" out there, or so it would seem.......

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